Questions to ask your boyfriend

Tarang Gupta
4 min readSep 13, 2021

After dating for a while, your conversation will often run out of topics. Whenever you’re dating someone for the very first time, you can be a little confused about what to say to your boyfriend or how to develop a relationship with him. Guys can be easy to talk to because they like telling you about themselves, but sometimes they are closed off and only reply with a one-word answer.

If you’re wondering ‘how to talk to them?’ here are a few tips. Depending on their mood, you can ask them a variety of questions! The following questions will help you break the ice with your boyfriend or spice up your relationship.

Fun questions to ask your boyfriend

You can use these general fun questions to learn more about your boyfriend and have fun with him.

  • What person are you: Beach person or Mountain person?
  • What is that one song that you can never get bored of?
  • If you could have been an animal for a day, what would you be?
  • If your 3 wishes were to come true, what would they be?
  • What is your most embarrassing memory?
  • If you could change the ending of any movie/book, which one will it be and, what will you change?
  • If you could eat only one dessert for every meal, what would it be?

Funny questions to ask your boyfriend

When you are bored out of your mind or just need a break from a serious conversation with your boyfriend, you can ask him some funny questions.

  • What is the first thing you wash while showering?
  • If you become invisible, what will you do?
  • Have you ever farted loudly in public?
  • Did you ever pee in a pool?
  • What will you do if you wake up as a girl tomorrow?
  • What is the grossest thing you have eaten or would like to eat?
  • What is the longest time you have stayed without taking bath?

Serious questions to ask your boyfriend

In case you have been talking for a while and you want to take the relationship to the next level, ask the following questions to the other person:

  • Is money more important for you, or happiness?
  • Where do you see yourself after 5 years?
  • Do you believe in a monogamous relationship?
  • What are your thoughts on equal gender rights?
  • Have you ever struggled with addiction?
  • Would you like to have children in the future?
  • How can I support you better?
  • What do you think about God?

Flirty questions to ask your boyfriend

Flirting with your boyfriend is always a good idea! It will keep the conversation light and will keep love alive in your relationship at the same time. Here are some flirty questions to ask your boyfriend.

  • What is your idea of a perfect date?
  • What will be your answer if I would propose to you right now?
  • What will you choose: kissing or cuddling?
  • What kind of bed do you prefer: king-sized or queen-sized?
  • What do you think about a good massage?
  • What is your favorite move while seducing a girl?
  • Do you like a shy girl or a bold girl in bed?

What Questions to ask your boyfriend to get to know him

Irrespective of how long you’ve been dating, there is always something more you can learn about each other. It’s best to ask questions to your boyfriend so you get to know him better. The following questions are examples of these:

  • How crucial is success for you and, how do you define it?
  • What is your worst fear?
  • What is your idea of an ideal Sunday?
  • Are you a feminist?
  • What is your relationship with your family like?
  • What is the biggest turnoff in a relationship for you?
  • Are you more religious or spiritual?
  • What is your political stand?
  • What do you think about having pets?

Juicy questions to ask your boyfriend

Here are some juicy questions to add some spice to your sex life. These will turn him instantly and make him confide in you.

  • Where would you like to be kissed, neck or chest?
  • What is your most kinky fantasy?
  • Would you rather have me in sexy lingerie or nothing at all?
  • What do you like more: oral sex or regular sex?
  • Would you prefer to see me in a see-through bra or panties?
  • What is your favorite position in bed?
  • What do you prefer more: morning sex or night sex?
  • Would you prefer touching me or watch me touch myself?

Multiple-choice questions to ask your boyfriend

By asking these questions, you’ll give your boyfriend options to select from and get the answers you’re truly seeking.

  • What would you prefer to do right now?
  1. Play a question game with me?
  2. Talk dirty?
  3. Eat something?
  4. Watch a movie?
  • What food do you like more?
  1. Indian
  2. Italian
  3. Mexican
  • What is a must-have quality in your partner?
  1. Honesty
  2. Beauty
  3. Good fashion sense
  4. Cooking skills
  • If you could choose only one thing for the rest of your life from the following, what will it be?
  1. Good food
  2. amazing sex
  3. Beautiful partner
  4. Good income

Getting to know each other is always important regardless of how long your relationship has been. Keeping the mystery alive helps increase emotional and mental bonding.

You can move your relationship forward by taking the first step.

