CTEs, Subqueries, and Temporary Tables: Unraveling the Distinctions.

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding CTEs, Subqueries, and Temporary Tables.

Taranjit Kaur
Plumbers Of Data Science
7 min readJul 10, 2023


In the world of SQL, developers often encounter complex data manipulation and retrieval tasks that require efficient and effective query construction. When facing such challenges, it becomes crucial to choose the right tools and techniques to achieve desired results.

Three commonly used methods for managing complex queries are:

  1. Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
  2. Subqueries
  3. Temporary tables.

These techniques offer different approaches to structuring and manipulating data within SQL statements.

Let’s define each.


A subquery refers to the practice of writing a complete SELECT statement which generates a set of rows and columns, followed by another SELECT statement that retrieves data from the output of the initial SELECT statement, similar to querying a regular table.

For example:

student a,
marks b
a.studentid = b.studentid
AND b.total_marks > (
SELECT total_marks
FROM marks
WHERE studentid = 'V002'
Pictorial Presentation of SQL Subquery (Diagram borrowed from www.w3resource.com)

Common Table Expression (CTE)

A common table expression (CTE) is a construct which resembles a subquery but with some subtle distinctions. Like a subquery, it involves writing a complete SELECT statement to define the desired columns and rows. However, in a CTE, the syntax involves using the WITH clause to define the CTE, and subsequently, within the same query, you can retrieve data from the CTE using a SELECT statement, as if it were a regular table.

Here’s an example to illustrate this concept:

WHERE condition

-- Perform your query

Temporary Table

A temporary table is a construct which allows you to define a table-like structure consisting of columns and rows, similar to subqueries and CTEs. To utilize temporary tables, you would use a CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement, as shown in the following example.

id INT,
name VARCHAR(50),
age INT

To better understand, let’s compare them based on various factors:

  1. Syntax :

a) CTE: CTEs are defined using the “WITH” keyword followed by the CTE name and column list (optional). The CTE is then referenced within the main query using its defined name.

b) Subquery: Subqueries are enclosed within parentheses and can be used in various parts of a query, such as the SELECT, FROM, WHERE, or HAVING clauses. They can be nested within other subqueries or used as standalone queries.

c) Temp Tables: Temporary tables are created using the “CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE” statement, followed by the table name and column definitions (optional). Data can be inserted into the temporary table using the “INSERT INTO” statement.

2. Usage:

a) CTE: CTEs are typically used to create temporary result sets that can be referenced multiple times within a larger query. They improve code readability and maintainability by breaking down complex queries into smaller, more manageable units.

b) Subquery: Subqueries are used to retrieve data based on the results of an outer query. They are commonly used for data filtering, joining related tables, or performing calculations on subsets of data.

c) Temp Tables: Temporary tables provide a way to store intermediate results or perform complex data manipulations. They are useful when you need to work with multiple steps within a session or share data across multiple queries.

3. Scenarios:

a) CTE : CTEs are beneficial when dealing with complex queries that require modularization, recursive operations, or repeated subqueries. They are suitable for organizing and reusing code segments, improving query comprehension and future modifications.

b) Subquery: Subqueries are commonly used for data filtering, joining related tables, or performing calculations on subsets of data. They are useful in scenarios where you need to retrieve data conditionally or perform aggregations within a larger query.

c) Temp Tables: Temporary tables are used when you need to store and manipulate intermediate data for complex operations, perform multiple steps within a session, or share data across multiple queries. They are beneficial for scenarios involving data transformation, staging, or complex data analysis.

4. Performance:

a) CTE : CTEs can improve performance by making queries run faster, but it depends on how complicated the query is and how much data it involves. Recursive CTEs, in particular, can use up a lot of resources and may need to be tested for efficiency.

b) Subquery: Sub queries can sometimes result in poor performance, particularly when dealing with large datasets or complex join conditions. So analyzing, indexing, and testing are crucial to optimize performance.

c) Temp Tables: Temporary tables boost performance for complex data manipulation, minimizing the need for repetitive queries or joins. Indexing them enhances performance, but be mindful of the creation and deletion overhead. Efficient management of temporary tables and appropriate indexing are vital for optimal performance.

5. Readability and Maintainability:

a) CTE : CTEs make queries easier to read and maintain by breaking them into smaller, manageable parts. This helps understand and modify the code easily, making it more organized and efficient for future use.

b) Subquery: Subqueries can make queries more complicated, especially when they are deeply nested, which makes them harder to understand and update. Using too many subqueries can clutter the code, but organizing it with proper formatting, indentation, and comments can help improve readability.

c) Temp Tables: Temporary tables make code easier to read and maintain by breaking complex logic into smaller steps and providing structured intermediate results. They help with troubleshooting and debugging. However, they require careful management, as they need to be created and deleted explicitly, with attention to scoping and cleanup.

6. Scope and Data persistence:

a) CTE : CTEs have a limited scope and exist temporarily during a single query, not accessible outside it. They allow defining temporary result sets without persisting data beyond the specific query.

b) Subquery: Subqueries are embedded within a query and have a limited scope, retrieving data based on the outer query. They are not persistent or reusable outside the query execution, existing only during that specific operation.

c) Temp Tables: Temporary tables are like temporary storage that lasts longer than a single query. They can hold data throughout a session or transaction and can be used by multiple queries. This makes them useful for storing intermediate results and doing complex data manipulations.

7. Portability and Database support:

a) CTE : CTEs are widely supported in databases like PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL, but syntax and features may differ. It’s important to check documentation and version compatibility for the specific database being used.

b) Subquery: Subqueries are widely supported in relational databases, with consistent syntax and usage across platforms. They can be used in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, making them highly portable.

c) Temp Tables: Temporary tables enjoy wide support in major relational databases like PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL. However, syntax and behavior variations exist, so reviewing documentation and ensuring compatibility is crucial for the specific database system in use.

8. Best practices and recommendation:

a) CTE : Use CTEs to make complex queries easier to read and organize, especially when dealing with repeated subqueries. Avoid excessive recursion in recursive CTEs, as it can slow down performance with deep levels or large datasets. Understand how your database’s query optimizer handles CTEs to optimize query execution and test their performance for desired benefits without unnecessary overhead.

b) Subquery: Use subqueries sparingly, avoiding excessive nesting for better code readability and performance. Optimize subqueries by carefully choosing efficient join conditions and filters, and consider using joins instead when applicable for improved performance. Properly format and document subqueries to enhance code maintainability and understanding.

c) Temp Tables: When you need to store intermediate results or work with complex data, use temporary tables. Improve performance by applying proper indexing. Be mindful of creation and deletion overhead, manage their lifecycle efficiently, and ensure proper scoping and cleanup to avoid conflicts and unnecessary resource usage.

To condense this information, let’s present a summary in a tabular format.

Comparison Table between CTE, Subquery and Temporary Table.


In conclusion, CTEs, subqueries, and temporary tables are constructs used in SQL for different purposes. The choice between CTEs, subqueries, and temporary tables depends on the specific requirements of your query and the capabilities of your database management system.

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