Designers Ain’t Gonna Get Replaced by No AI: Here’s Why!

Ehsan Abedi
3 min readJun 8, 2023


Alright, listen up folks! We’re in an age of crazy tech advancements, and everyone’s talking about AI taking over jobs left and right. But hold up! When it comes to designers, AI ain’t got what it takes to boot them out. You know why? ’Cause clients can’t just spill their ideas out accurately, and graphic design is a whole different ball game. So, let’s dive in and break it down for ya!

Picture this: clients trying to explain what they want. It’s like watching a confused penguin trying to dance salsa. They stumble, they fumble, and they can’t quite put their finger on what they’re envisioning. Designers step in like the superheroes they are, extracting those ideas, asking the right questions, and getting to the core of the client’s vision. AI, on the other hand, is clueless about the subtle human preferences, emotions, and subjective tastes that go into creating stellar designs.

Design ain’t just about making things look pretty. It’s an art form, a wild journey of problem-solving, innovation, and self-expression. Designers are like creative beasts roaming the plains, thinking outside the box, and conjuring up mind-blowing concepts. But guess what? AI is stuck in an algorithmic loop, bound by rules and patterns. It can’t break free and surprise us with groundbreaking ideas. Designers are the ones who can push boundaries, take risks, and whip up designs that blow minds.

Design is a fast-paced world, my friend. Trends change faster than a cheetah on roller skates. And you know who’s on top of all that? Designers, baby! They stay plugged in, finger on the pulse, adapting their skills to match the ever-evolving landscape. AI might crunch numbers and analyze data, but it can’t sniff out the latest trends or feel the cultural shifts. Designers bring that human touch, capturing the spirit of the times and crafting designs that hit you right in the feels.

Design is all about emotions, connecting with people, and making ’em feel something. Designers get this on a deep level. They know how to tug at heartstrings using colors, typography, and layout. But AI? Nah, it’s as emotionally oblivious as a brick wall. It can churn out pretty designs, but it can’t grasp the subtleties and human touch that designers infuse into their work. Designers build bridges between brands and audiences, forging those emotional connections that leave a lasting impact.

Let’s wrap this up, shall we? AI might have its fancy algorithms and data-crunching skills, but it’s no match for the power of designers. Clients can’t articulate their visions accurately, and design is a wild beast that AI can’t tame. Designers bring that unbeatable creativity, adaptability, and emotional connection that AI simply can’t replicate. So, let’s celebrate the designers, the superheroes of design who ain’t going anywhere. AI can tag along as a trusty sidekick, but it’ll never take the center stage. Long live the designers, baby!

