New Year’s Resolutions for Software Engineers: Techniques for Continuous Improvement”

2 min readDec 27, 2022


1. Master a new programming language: There are always new programming languages and technologies being developed, and staying current can be a challenge. Consider choosing one new language to focus on this year, and make a plan to learn it thoroughly. This could involve taking online courses or tutorials, working through exercises and projects, or participating in online communities or forums.

2. Improve your debugging skills: Debugging is an essential part of software development, and being able to effectively identify and fix problems in your code can save a lot of time and frustration. Consider learning new debugging techniques, such as using a debugger or logging statements, and make a habit of thoroughly testing your code before you deploy it.

3. Focus on security: Security is a critical concern for software engineers, and it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest threats and vulnerabilities. Consider learning more about security best practices, such as using secure coding techniques and conducting regular security assessments.

4. Learn a new framework or library: Frameworks and libraries can make it easier to build software by providing pre-built tools and components that you can use in your projects. Consider learning a new framework or library this year, and think about how you can use it to streamline your development process.

5. Improve your collaboration skills: As a software engineer, you’ll often be working as part of a team, and being able to effectively collaborate with others is crucial. Consider ways you can improve your communication and collaboration skills, such as by participating in team code reviews or working on group projects.

By setting and working towards these more technical resolutions, you’ll be well on your way to continually improving your skills and becoming a more effective software engineer.




Swift Expert | Former Senior iOS Engineer @upwork | former Director @involvio