What does Charles Darwin have to do with Survival Strategies for the Modern Business World? Embracing Collaboration, Adaptation, and Innovation

Taro Koki
2 min readSep 21, 2023


Charles Darwin said, “In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed”.
He said that the species that survives is the one that can best adapt to its changing environment.
He also said that collaboration, improvisation, innovation, and other aspects that help with adaptation are essential for survival.

During the Edo period in Japan, there developed the concept of “mura-hachibu村八分” which means “80% out of the village”. You are shunned from interacting with anyone in the village. (Except for fires and funerals…which is the other 20%) Without collaborating, an individual cannot survive as a member of society. You cannot farm on your own, a merchant that cannot interact with suppliers or customers, nor be a soldier on your own. Ultimately one cannot procreate and leave their DNA to the future.

It is the same in business. The tech industry embodies collaboration and adaptation through open-source software development. Projects like the Linux operating system and the GitHub platform thrive on the collective efforts of a global community.

In the automotive sector, collaboration and adaptation are evident in the shift towards platform sharing, electric and autonomous vehicles. Traditional automakers are partnering with tech companies to develop electric drivetrains and self-driving technologies. This collaboration ensures they stay competitive in a changing market.

The media industry’s survival hinges on its ability to collaborate and adapt in the digital era.

In all of the above industries and even more, the principles of collaboration, adaptation, and innovation, as outlined by Charles Darwin, underscore the strategies that companies must employ to thrive amidst change and uncertainty. Especially in today’s climate where technological advancements are happening at lightning speed.

We all know what happened to species that did not adapt right? Don’t be a dodo…

Hit me up to discuss anytime!



Taro Koki

Co-founded KURUMA and GTChannel. Dreaming about the future of media, content and tech. Passionate about web3, AI, health, fitness and cars of course! 東京都出身。