Why is Tarot So Enigmatic

stan tang
5 min readApr 12, 2023


Since ancient times, human beings have been fascinated by and drawn to the mysterious. In this miraculous and enigmatic world, tarot is a captivating domain, carrying with it the power of multiculturalism, mysticism, and spiritual exploration. The FoolTarot will take you on a wondrous journey into the world of tarot.

Tarot, a card system rich in symbolic meaning, has always been shrouded in an air of mystique. Whether it be the lifelike illustrations or the wisdom contained behind each card, one cannot help but become immersed in it. The origin of tarot has far surpassed its initial function as a card game, evolving into a powerful tool for spiritual exploration.

For many, tarot is both magic and art. Each card tells a unique story, linking together a grand narrative while simultaneously reflecting our inner thoughts and emotions. Since the European Renaissance, tarot has been a source of inspiration for countless artists, philosophers, and mystics. Their works reveal a world of tarot filled with wonders and surprises. Many people are intrigued by tarot, but why is it considered mysterious?

1. Mysterious Origins

The origins of tarot are cloaked in mystery. Some believe it originated in ancient Egypt, with the knowledge being passed down by the guardian deity Thoth. Legend has it that a complete tarot deck was found in an ancient Egyptian pharaoh’s tomb, depicting gods and mysterious symbols from Egyptian mythology. Others suggest it came from ancient India, China, or even Babylon. For instance, evidence points to the existence of a divination system similar to tarot in ancient Indian Vedic culture, while the 64 hexagrams in the Chinese classic “I Ching” share intriguing parallels with tarot’s symbolic structure.

It originated in ancient Egypt

Despite numerous scholarly discussions on the origins of tarot, there is still no consensus. This enigmatic atmosphere only adds to tarot’s allure, making it all the more captivating. Over time, tarot spread to Europe, with the earliest records dating back to 14th-century Italy. There, tarot began to gain popularity as a card game. The illustrations of that period reflect the artistic style of the European Renaissance, becoming a unique cultural symbol.

2. Profound Symbolism

Each card in the tarot is filled with rich symbolism. These symbols include elements from the natural world, such as fire, water, earth, and air, as well as abstract concepts like the universe, life, and death. For example, the Fool card represents ignorance and adventure, symbolizing the starting point of our life’s journey; while the World card signifies success and completion, representing the end of our path.

These symbols include elements from the natural world

These symbols contain intricate connections and hidden wisdom, allowing for multilayered interpretations of each card. For beginners, the symbolism of tarot might be elusive, but for those familiar with it, these symbols provide endless revelations. One story about tarot tells of a philosopher who, while studying the cards, gained insight into the vitality and light of life from the Sun card and understood the power of the subconscious and intuition from the Moon card. This demonstrates the richness and diversity of tarot’s symbolism, guiding us to examine life from different perspectives.

3. Endless Combinations

The Tarot deck is comprised of 78 cards, divided into the Major and Minor Arcana. These cards can be combined in countless arrangements, providing endless possibilities for interpretation. In every Tarot reading, the combinations of cards reveal new insights, ensuring that the Tarot never becomes dull or monotonous.

It is said that a diviner once received an unexpected answer during a Tarot reading. At the time, a client sought advice about their career direction. The diviner drew the “Death” and “Emperor” cards. Although this combination appeared unsettling, the diviner discerned the client’s inner desires and courage, encouraging them to leave their current job and pursue their dreams. Ultimately, the client successfully achieved their life goals. This story demonstrates the richness of Tarot card combinations, which can provide us with various unexpected answers.

4. Prophecy and Revelation

For many people, Tarot cards serve as a tool for prophecy and revelation. Although the Tarot was not designed specifically to predict the future, it connects our subconscious minds with the forces of the universe, revealing solutions to the various challenges and perplexities we face in life. Each card drawn can potentially provide us with insights into the future, enhancing our understanding of life’s complexities.

A widely circulated tale tells of a young Tarot reader who accurately predicted the future of a wealthy merchant during a reading. She foresaw an impending business crisis from the cards and warned him to take preemptive measures. After heeding her advice, the merchant successfully averted the crisis, allowing his business to continue thriving. This story attests to the magical efficacy of Tarot cards in prophecy and revelation.

The future of a wealthy merchant

5. Psychological Projection

Another aspect of the Tarot’s mystique lies in its connection to psychology. The Tarot is considered a tool for psychological projection, reflecting our deepest needs, fears, and desires. By observing and interpreting Tarot cards, we can gain a better understanding of ourselves, ultimately fostering personal growth and development.

The research of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung on the Tarot validates this notion. Jung believed that the various symbols within the Tarot are connected to archetypes deep within our psyche, helping us comprehend information hidden in our subconscious. He used the Tarot to assist in analyzing patients’ dreams during psychotherapy sessions, ultimately identifying the root of their issues. This practice demonstrates that the Tarot not only possesses a mystical allure but also has practical applications.

The various symbols within the Tarot are connected to archetypes deep within our psyche

6. Personal Growth and Spiritual Exploration

Lastly, the Tarot holds significant meaning for personal growth and spiritual exploration. It not only helps us understand ourselves but also guides us towards higher levels of spiritual attainment. Through our interactions with the Tarot, we can learn to better listen to our inner voices, uncover the essence of life, and achieve personal growth and spiritual elevation.

A well-known story tells of a young woman who discovered her life’s direction through her interactions with the Tarot. After experiencing a period of confusion and frustration, she began to explore the Tarot. Through her interpretation of the cards, she gradually recognized her true needs and aspirations, ultimately embarking on a courageous journey along her own path. This story reveals the profound impact of the Tarot on personal growth and spiritual exploration.

In conclusion, the Tarot has captivated generations of seekers with its mysterious origins, arcane symbolism, endless combinations, functions of prophecy and revelation, psychological projections, and its value in personal growth and spiritual exploration. Within this enigmatic realm, each individual can discover their own miracles and revelations, continuously evolving and transcending.



stan tang

Obscure Programmer & Tarot Enthusiast | Decoding the mysteries of code & cards with a decade of experience in Tarot wisdom.