A Much-Needed Break

From the Author’s (i.e. me :P) laptop

Kaushik Anand
2 min readApr 20, 2018

Hello to all of my 16 followers!!!

First of all, I’d just like to mention that this is literally 8 times the no. of followers I had for my previous Medium blog iteration. This means a lot to me!!!

Hence, I feel it is only right that I inform to all of you that I will be taking break from blogging.

However, it’s definitely NOT this kind of break:-


Thing is, life has other plans for me. Plans that require me to take a long hard look at my current situation. Plans that make me re-evaluate my choices and chances. Plans that require my full attention stat.

However, I will return. And hopefully, all charged up and refreshed. Until then, Godspeed!!!

Post-Script :-

Just want to convey my special thanks to Jake & S Lynn Knight for accepting me as a writer into their publications. You two are the primary reasons why I’m not going to give up on this blog and why I’m going to take it much further. Thank you both from the bottom of my heart!!!



Kaushik Anand

A writer by passion, a business student by profession, a foreigner by outlook. Also, a foodie. :)