Meanings of The Magician

6 min readOct 13, 2021


The magician card means: Now is a good time to start a new project.

The first card with a positive number is the magician. Look at this magician, who seemed to have infinite powers. There was a sword and a cup and a star and a staff on the table, but he had a wand in his hand as if invoking power and magic. What could he come out of this void?

This card is full of groundbreaking and magical power, unpredictable. Everything is in your hands, success will be a huge harvest, failure is also in a moment, so some great sorrow and joy. The outcome is very obvious, so the solution of cards must be under some effort, combined with other cards to analyze.

The card in the magician’s right hand to point to the sky, the left hand to point to the earth, become the heaven and earth connection channel. On the table in front of him lay the hallows of the Four Elements, which gave him four powers: a clear motive, a well-thought-out plan, a burning passion, and a down-to-earth execution. The hallows of the four elements, combined with the inspiration beyond ordinary people, melt into their own creativity, waving the wand in their hands can summon the magic power, become the real master of the world. It seemed amazing to others, but to him, it was normal, for his intelligence knew no limits. He makes full use of his powers and the four hallows. But the magic power is through paying several times more effort than ordinary people to have, play more need a strong will and the purpose of justice, this is the magician’s secret of success.

The magician wore a red robe over a white corset and tied a snake as a belt around his waist. The right-hand goes up and points to the sky while the left-hand goes down and points to the ground. There were red roses hanging from his head, and more red roses and white lilies at his feet. The symbol “&infinite” above the headstands for infinity, implying that his knowledge has no beginning and no end. The tools on the table, once carried in a fool’s bag, symbolize a combination of right motive (the Holy Grail), clear plan (sword), high enthusiasm (sceptre), and sure execution (pentagram) — a pretty powerful combination for achieving goals. Red roses symbolize passion or staying power, while white lilies signify pure motivation. The snake as a leash was eating its own tail. Symbolizing that many things have neither beginning nor end.

This card represents a number of things that are possible. The possibility is worthless unless it is realized. We all have great potential, but not all of us will realize it. If we go all the way, we can say that no one ever reaches his full potential.

The magician receives energy from the sky and channels it into something concrete and real — the earth. That is, he turns ideas into something we can see and touch. He exercised his will to produce concrete results; Instead of being pushed by the currents of life, he acts within them for himself and produces concrete results.

The Magician card face reading

The face of the card is The Roman myth of Mercury, with a confident smile and bright eyes. The tabletop of the card placed the four elements of the universe: tree of life (fire), sword (wind), five stars (earth), the Holy Grail (water), the head of the magician has an infinite symbol, belt for a tail of the snake, is a symbol of the eternal spirit. The magician holds the sceptre in his right hand pointing to the sky and the ground in his left hand, representing the exchange of power and spiritual bestowing. Under the feet of the magician for roses and lilies, representing human motivation, reflecting the will of God, command heaven and earth. Roses represent life and lilies represent death. The magician is the first card also implies that you are a magician yourself and can manipulate cosmic forces.

② The white robe represents pure heart, the crimson cloak represents the magician’s activities are profound.

Upright Meanings

The beginning of things, the change of action, the mastery of technique and skill, the implementation of my will, the use of the power of nature to achieve ambition.

Success, decisiveness, a good start, a perfect plan, a lot of room for growth, a great intellect, an active mind, an active imagination, a great partner, a new lover

It means that you are motivated, open-minded and prepared for your career, that everything is in your plan, and that you are taking chances and making steady progress towards success. Love is more effortless, the external environment has no effect on you, in the active position.

Reversed meanings

Failure, negative attitude, rush, indecision, mediocre talent, lack of skill, lack of judgment, lack of creativity, lack of progress in love, attention to partner behaviour

Weak willpower, difficulty, going in the wrong direction, lack of knowledge, being cheated and failing.

It means you have a speculative mindset, hiding in your own protective layer of fear of getting hurt, taking a slightly deviant approach to your career, showing a lack of purpose and discipline. Mental, emotional or health problems can result from refusing to abide by some basic rules and relying on domination or even destruction to achieve their goals.

General meaning

The magician card means it’s a good time to start something new. At the right time, at the right opportunity, and with the right motivation, your effort will be worth it. This is a good time to take action and implement the plan. New adventures are likely to materialize now that you have laid a solid foundation for accomplishing your plan. Clear sense of direction and willpower to carry out, greatly improve the possibility of success.

A magician standing on his head

When a magician stands on his head, it means he loses contact with the earth or sky. If he loses his connection to the land, he may become unrealistic, resulting in mental, emotional or physical health problems. He may become aimless and lack self-discipline. When he stands on his head, even though he receives energy from the sky, he cannot successfully channel it into the earth. This energy is so powerful that it can accumulate in the body and cause mental and emotional distress. Hallucinations, schizophrenia, or deep mental breakdowns, or severe hesitations may ensue.

A magician who stands on his head may be describing someone who does not understand that the energy is transmitted through him, not from him. He may exert control over others by gradually destroying them, by stealth, or by any means he desires, which may include enchantment, hired assassinations, or doing it himself.

When the inverted magician touches the earth and loses contact with the sky, he loses his spiritual connection. Without this connection, we lose our conscience and may act against society.

Simply put, a magician’s handstand implies that you need to have a stronger connection to the sky or the earth because you have lost the right motivation, plan, enthusiasm or pragmatic attitude to accomplish your heart’s desire.

The meaning of sexual relationships

A magician is a partnership rooted in reality, free of material constraints. It suggests an active sexual relationship, and it may be that one partner provides inspiration and the other puts his or her feet on the ground and turns those ideas into concrete results.

A magician is someone with a strong will, a trained mind and a clear sense of purpose. He has a good sense of direction for his goals and is open to new ideas.

