Chatbots, Siri, and Beyond: A Chatty Journey Through Natural Language Processing

Tarrin Skeepers
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
3 min readMay 25, 2023

Hello, digital trailblazers! Glad to have you back on our AI odyssey. If you’re just tuning in, don’t sweat it, you can catch up with our previous dive into the world of deep learning and neural networks here. Now, let’s venture into the realm where machines and human language meet — welcome to Natural Language Processing (NLP)!

You’ve likely had an encounter with NLP today. Yes, really! Whether you’ve asked Alexa to play your favourite tune, used Google Translate to decipher a foreign language, or been mildly frustrated when your autocorrect amusingly misinterprets your text messages — you’ve been interacting with NLP.

NLP is a branch of AI that gives machines the ability to read, understand, and derive meaning from human languages. In other words, it’s the science behind your digital assistant’s ability to comprehend your request for the weather forecast, despite your accidental use of ‘sweater’ instead of ‘weather’ (a true story, I promise!).

Human language is far from simple — an intricate web of signs, symbols, sounds, gestures, and rules. Think of comprehension as the art of decoding these elements to extract meaning, while understanding adds the nuance of context, tone, and implied meanings. Teaching a machine to master this art — now that’s a Sistine Chapel-level masterpiece!

Something that once seemed impossible. Machines decode meaning from abstract human language, like archaeologists interpreting the Hieroglyphics.

The central question in this wondrous interplay of human language and AI is this — can machines truly understand language or are they simply masters of statistical inference? It’s the AI equivalent of the “Is the glass half empty or half full?” debate. While this philosophical quandary might keep AI researchers up at night, for now, we’ll enjoy the spectacle of our AI pals acing language tasks like a PhD linguist.

Speaking of which, the capabilities of AI have advanced beyond high school English. Today, we’re in the age of AI systems passing professional exams, from the BAR for lawyers to complex medical board exams. Impressive, isn’t it? But just between you and me, I think we’re safe until AI develops a taste for coffee and late-night cramming sessions.

Now, the journey of NLP has been one of fascinating progression. From early attempts such as ELIZA in the 1960s to statistical language models in the 1980s, NLP has come a long way. And now, we’re in an era where models like GPT-3 and BERT are generating text so convincingly human, they could write this article (oh, wait…).

While NLP has made impressive strides, the linguistic landscape isn’t without its potholes. For instance, while English language data is abundant, there’s a severe lack of data in non-English languages. This data desert can inadvertently sideline vernacular languages and dialects — an ongoing concern in our increasingly globalized world.

Speaking of influential people in NLP, we cannot ignore Noam Chomsky, whose transformative work in linguistics provided an important basis for early NLP. And then there’s Terry Winograd, whose creation, SHRDLU, was an early success in NLP, capable of understanding simple English sentences in a limited world of toy blocks.

As we journey further into the era of machine-human language interaction, there’s much excitement on the horizon. Real-time multilingual conversations, AI authors, and digital assistants so advanced, they could probably argue legal case precedents — exciting, right?

In our next expedition (found here), we’ll explore the realm of AI ethics — a territory with more grey areas than a stormy English summer afternoon. We’ll look at how these extraordinarily capable systems can be guided by the equally extraordinary principles of fairness, accountability, transparency, and everything else that makes us not just smart, but also wise. So fasten your seatbelts and prepare for another dive into the incredible world of AI. If our journey through NLP has left you feeling like you’ve just completed a marathon, don’t worry — the ethical considerations of AI are more like a leisurely (but equally important) stroll. We’ll see you there!

  • All text and images are generated with the assistance of AGI.



Tarrin Skeepers
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

Part time techie with a full time curiosity. Just trying to spread a little knowledge any way I can.