Lost in Translation: The ABCs of AI

Tarrin Skeepers
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
4 min readMay 13, 2023

Welcome back, fellow byte-travelers! Or, for any newbies around, Welcome aboard! Buckle up, as we continue our journey through the wild and wacky world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Anyone needing a refresher on the birth of AI, check out the previous article: A Byte-Sized History of Artificial Intelligence: The Good, The Bot, and The Ugly.

Today, we’re diving headfirst into the techno-babble, the jargon, the AI-ese if you will. Don’t worry, though. We’ll make it as painless as your last software update (unless it was the one that made your laptop think it was a toaster).

First off, let’s tackle algorithms. Sounds like a mystical creature from Middle Earth, right? In reality, an algorithm is more like a recipe. It’s a set of step-by-step instructions that tells a computer what to do. So, in a way, it’s like the blueprint your IKEA flatpack comes with, except algorithms usually work as intended.

Next up, we have machine learning, AI’s poster child. Imagine if your dog could learn to fetch your slippers just by watching you do it once. That’s machine learning for you, minus the wagging tail. It’s all about teaching computers to learn from experience, turning them from clueless canines into savvy slipper-fetchers.

Machine learning brings us to neural networks, which are not, as the name might suggest, a social media platform for neurons. Instead, they’re computing systems vaguely inspired by the human brain’s structure. They’re excellent at pattern recognition, almost as good as your Aunt Mildred spotting a potential suitor at a family gathering.

Now, let’s talk types of AI. We’ve got weak AI, also known as Narrow AI. These are like one-trick ponies; they’re good at one specific task, like recommending your next Netflix binge but can’t do much else. Then there’s Strong AI, which, unlike its weak cousin, can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across various tasks. Strong AI is like that annoying kid in class who was good at everything. We’re not quite there yet, but it’s the Holy Grail of AI research.

Then there’s the ominous-sounding Artificial Superintelligence, which is AI surpassing human intelligence in all aspects. It’s the stuff of sci-fi nightmares where robots take over the world. But before you start building your anti-robot bunker, remember we’re still struggling to get voice assistants to understand accents. Skynet, we’re not quite ready for you yet.

How I envision AI imagines itself… if it could.

Speaking of risks, misuse of AI is a real concern. It’s like giving a toddler a power tool; in the wrong hands, things can get ugly. Issues like privacy invasion, deep fakes, autonomous weaponry, and job displacement are real concerns. We need to tread carefully to ensure we’re creating a tool for progress, not a recipe for disaster.

Before we sign off, let’s toss a few more juicy nuggets of AI knowledge your way, starting with the concept of ‘Deep Learning.’ Now, this isn’t about your computer having an existential crisis. Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning where artificial neural networks — remember Aunt Mildred’s social media platform? — adapt and learn from vast amounts of data. It’s the reason why Facebook eerily knows you like cats wearing sunglasses or why Google Photos can tell your Aunt Mildred apart from Aunt Mabel.

Imagine you’re trying to teach a toddler (or a very ambitious puppy) to recognize cats. You’d probably start by showing them a bunch of cat pictures. Eventually, they’d start to figure out that cats are furry creatures with pointy ears and a notorious disregard for personal space. That’s essentially what Deep Learning does, but on a much, much larger scale and with less slobber.

Now, let’s discuss two more types of machine learning: supervised and unsupervised learning. Sounds like something out of a school report card, right?

Supervised learning is like a paint-by-numbers kit. You provide the AI with the input (the blank canvas) and the output (the picture on the box), and it learns to match them up. It’s used in everything from spam filters (we all appreciate that one) to voice recognition (Siri, Alexa, anyone?).

Unsupervised learning, on the other hand, is more like giving the AI a box of crayons and letting it go wild. You provide no expected output. Instead, the system finds patterns and relationships in the data by itself, like clustering your music playlist into genres. So if your playlist is suddenly full of ’80s power ballads, you know who to blame.

As we stand on the brink of the AI revolution, understanding these concepts becomes vital. Not just for tech gurus, but for everyone. AI, machine learning, deep learning — they’re not just buzzwords. They’re tools that are reshaping our world, one byte at a time.

As we wrap up this whirlwind tour of AI terminology, remember that while the jargon can seem as complex as your remote control’s manual, it all boils down to one goal: building machines that can think, learn, and maybe one day, laugh at our jokes. As we continue our journey into the AI-sphere, let’s remember to pack a sense of humour, a sense of adventure, and a healthy dose of caution. After all, it’s all fun and games until someone’s toaster becomes self-aware.

Next time, we’ll delve even deeper into the labyrinth of machine learning. We’ll explore how it’s changing industries, from healthcare to finance, and even predicting the best time to buy that flight ticket for your next vacation (read here). So stick around, folks. As we’ve seen, AI is far more than meets the ‘eye’ — or should we say, the ‘I’?

*All text and images are generated with the assistance of AGI.



Tarrin Skeepers
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

Part time techie with a full time curiosity. Just trying to spread a little knowledge any way I can.