The AI-Infused Future: An Exploration of Artificial Intelligence Research

Tarrin Skeepers
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
6 min readJun 24, 2023

In the grand cosmic theatre of human discovery and technological evolution, one story takes centre stage: the story of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It’s an intriguing tale of potential and paradox, progress and predicament, bringing forth a wave of change that’s poised to reshape the world as we know it. So let us delve into this narrative, explore the cutting-edge advancements in AI research, and contemplate the ethical quandaries they prompt. Just like the previous article, which unveiled the intricate intertwining of AI in our day-to-day lives, this exploration into AI’s future aims to spark intrigue, ignite debate, and prod at the edges of your understanding of AI.

AI research isn’t a monolithic entity; it branches out into numerous areas, each with its set of challenges, promises, and ethical dilemmas. From healthcare to financial services, from climate change to personalized AI, the application of this groundbreaking technology spans across every facet of our lives. With each advancement, we stand on the brink of new possibilities and pitfalls.

Consider the sphere of healthcare. The unprecedented pandemic has only highlighted the immense potential of AI in health management and disease prediction. AI-powered systems have been instrumental in understanding the spread of the virus, aiding vaccine development, and enhancing telemedicine. However, the integration of AI into healthcare comes with its own set of ethical and moral challenges. Let’s take a vivid example: AI’s use in decoding brainwaves. While it can unlock new avenues for neurological research and treatment, it brings us on the precipice of unprecedented privacy concerns. Imagine an AI system that could, in essence, read your thoughts or visualize your dreams. It’s fascinating and terrifying at the same time. It prompts us to ask: How can we ensure the ethical use of such deeply personal data? We must balance the amazing potential of communicating with coma patients against the slippery slope of invasive advertising projected directly into your dreams. The decoding of brainwaves is a significant leap in healthcare, but it’s a leap that must be taken with utmost caution and ethical consideration.

Turning our gaze to financial services, the integration of AI is revolutionizing the sector, making transactions smoother, fraud detection more efficient, and financial planning more personalized. But here too, we encounter ethical challenges, specifically, the challenge of algorithmic bias. Financial algorithms, though seemingly impartial, can harbour biases, impacting the lives of real people. An algorithm that unfairly disadvantages a particular racial group when applying for credit or a facial recognition software that struggles to distinguish between faces within a racial group — these are not just technical glitches; they are ethical concerns that need addressing. These instances serve as a stark reminder that as we create AI systems, we must be vigilant not to let our latent societal biases seep into them.

Then there’s the environmental realm, where AI is emerging as a powerful tool in the fight against climate change. From predicting climate patterns to optimizing energy use and enabling low-carbon infrastructures, AI can be a game-changer in our battle against global warming. It represents a beacon of hope, a promise of a sustainable future. But it’s a promise that must be tempered with the realization that AI, like any technology, is not a panacea. It’s a tool that we must wield wisely and responsibly.

As we ponder over these ethical implications of AI in different sectors, a critical piece of legislation emerges in our narrative: the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act. It represents an ambitious attempt to regulate AI’s use, distinguishing itself as one of the world’s first comprehensive laws for AI.

The Act adopts a risk-based approach, categorizing AI systems into minimal risk, limited risk, high risk, and unacceptable risk, each with different regulatory requirements. For instance, high-risk AI systems, such as those used in critical infrastructures or law enforcement, will be subject to strict obligations before they can be put on the market. These include adequate risk assessment and mitigation systems, high-quality datasets to minimize biases, logging of activities to ensure traceability, detailed documentation, clear and adequate information to the user, appropriate human oversight measures, and a high level of robustness, security, and accuracy.

AI systems posing an unacceptable risk to people’s safety, livelihoods, and rights will be outright banned, such as AI systems that manipulate human behaviour or exploit vulnerable individuals. The Act proposes the establishment of a European Artificial Intelligence Board to ensure a harmonized application of the regulation across the EU. Companies failing to comply with the Act could face significant fines. This Act, while still a proposal and expected to undergo several years of debate and negotiation, underscores the urgency to address the ethical implications of AI.

The next frontier of AI research, one that might redefine our narrative, is the development of personalized AI. These are AI systems that can adapt to individual users, learning their preferences, habits, and even their idiosyncrasies. Personalized AI could revolutionize our interaction with technology, making it more intuitive and user-centric. But, as with any AI development, it raises profound ethical questions. How much personal data should an AI system access? How can we ensure the privacy of individuals in the age of personalized AI? How do we prevent the misuse of this technology?

Another intriguing, and perhaps unsettling, research area is the application of AI in creating more AI, a phenomenon often termed as ‘AI designing AI.’ At first, it might seem like an exciting prospect — an AI system that can improve upon itself, potentially accelerating our technological progress exponentially. It could lead to the ‘AI explosion,’ a moment where AI systems become capable of self-improvement to the point where they surpass human intelligence. This notion propels us towards the concept of ‘singularity,’ a hypothetical point in time when artificial intelligence will have progressed to the point of greater-than-human intelligence, changing civilization in ways that are hard to fathom. It’s a profound concept that could mark a turning point in our civilization, but it also raises deep ethical and existential questions. What happens when we’re no longer the most intelligent species? What would that mean for our future? These questions are difficult, complex, and uncomfortable, but they are necessary.

As AI evolves, when will it cross the threshold of human ability?

AI research, in its many avenues, is like a multi-threaded narrative, intertwining technical advancements with ethical considerations. It’s an unfolding story whose plotlines will significantly shape our future. The thought of sharing our planet with hyper-intelligent AI systems can be overwhelming, and sometimes scary, yet it’s an idea we need to grapple with.

There’s a certain weight to the decisions we make today, a ripple effect that will touch not just our lives but those of generations to come. Like mindful parents, we have the responsibility to ensure our AI ‘children’ don’t inherit our biases, our blind spots. We can leverage AI to build a future that mirrors the best of humanity, a future where technology and ethics stride forward hand in hand.

The next chapter of AI is an open book, and the pen is in our hands. Let’s write a story that future generations will be proud to read, a narrative where AI amplifies the best of human intelligence, creativity, and ethical values. Remember, the future isn’t just something that happens to us; it’s something we create. Together, we have the power to guide AI’s trajectory, to shape a future that’s not just smart but also wise, just, and inclusive. Are you ready to join this grand endeavour?

In the coming articles, we will continue to explore the ways in which you can begin to engage more deeply and regularly in the world of AI, and hopefully leverage the abilities of AI to enhance the way you live and work today. As you mull over the ideas presented here, let your thoughts wander into the realm of the future. Let’s keep the conversation going, and together, let’s step into tomorrow.

  • All text and images generated with the assistance of AGI

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Tarrin Skeepers
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

Part time techie with a full time curiosity. Just trying to spread a little knowledge any way I can.