Aug 10, 2022

Tartarus Inu

What is Taratrus Inu?

In Greek mythology, Tartarus Inu is the deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked and as the prison for the Titans.

What did Tartarus Inu do?

Tartarus was responsible for carrying the souls of sinners from earth to hell. The hell was depicted as a pit where these souls would be punished for eternity. The Greeks believed that Tartarus represented a dark place in the underworld where souls of the dead could not escape.

TARTAROS (Tartarus) was the primordial god (protogenos) of the stormy pit of Tartaros that lies beneath the foundations of the earth. He was the body of the pit itself rather than an athropomorphic deity. Tartaros was envisaged as the opposite of the sky, an inverted-dome lying beneath the flat earth.