Top Non-Tool Skills Required For Data Science Aspirants 🚀

Data Striver
3 min readMar 10, 2023


skills that help you to win the data science journey seamlessly


Data science is the field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills, and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data. Data science practitioners apply ML algorithms to produce AI systems. These systems generate insights that analysts and business users can translate into tangible business value. Here I will discuss different non-tool skills which will help one succeed in this career path easily.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

1. Patience

This is the most important skill required to be a good data science professional. Most of the time people get impatient while learning difficult concepts, and tools and when they do not get immediate results. Data science is more about the journey than the destination, so enjoy this journey as much as possible.

2. Avoide Comparision

Try to avoid comparing your progress with others because your destination may be the same but the journey is different, rather compare your progress with yourself and how much you improved.

3. Procrastination

Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks. This habit creates lots of problems during preparation because it piles up tasks and increases the time duration required to complete, eventually it decreases the motivation level. So avoid it as soon as possible.

4. Time Management

Manage your time properly because this is the most valuable asset. Make a proper schedule. Be flexible in your schedule. Try to allot time to every other thing be it your social obligation, family time, fitness and job etc.

5. Neophobia

It stands for fear of trying out new things. During the data science journey, one has to learn a lot of different skills. So never fear to try out new tools if required. The most important point here is to start. Eventually, you will feel comfortable once you dedicate the minimum required hours.

6. Atychiphobia

This stands for an intense fear of failure. It may cause you to put off or avoid any activity or scenario that has the potential for an unsuccessful outcome like mock interviews, mock tests or initial real interviews where there is a high chance of rejection. But remember one thing every failure gives you some amount of experience. So do it even if you don’t feel comfortable.

7. Feeling Under Prepared

You may never get to a moment where you feel completely ready. There will be selective preparedness and calculated unknowns, but never all the way ready, so start anyway.

8. Ignore The Noise

You might come across these lines, There will be no job in the future AI will replace everything. But believe me, AI will not take your job, a person with knowledge of AI will take your job. So prepare to become that person who can create or use AI.

9. Avoide Learning Too Many Things simultaneously

Try to learn technology one by one with a proper roadmap.

10. Trying To Master One Technolgy

The Data Science curriculum is huge, so never dedicated your entire time to mastering one technology. It is very important to know what not to learn rather than what to learn.

11. Communication Skill

By far the most important non-tech skill one should have. You must have very good communication skills. Because it is the most useful skill which helps you starting from your interviews to day-to-day work in the data science industry. A lot of time you need to engage with stakeholders, clients, colleagues, and data engineers. This helps you to ask the right questions, deliver your thought and many more.

12. Problem-Solving Acumen

How you react to a problem, How structured your thinking is, and How much analytical skill you have to solve the problem. These things matter most

13. Story Telling

Presenting your work in terms of story is one of the great skills to have. It helps to engage your audience with your idea.

14. Project Management Skills

Ability to work with a team and collaborate with others, knowing Agile Methodology principles always helps.

15. Domain Knowledge

This is the most in-demand skill because it has no substitution, It comes with experience and this skill is not for freshers.

16. Corporate Fit

Finally, last but not least you must have good interpersonal skills or soft skills which make you a corporate fit.



Data Striver

Hey, My name is Tarun Kumar Mohapatra . I strongly believe that knowledge gets multiply by sharing with other