CS 373 Spring 2024: Tarun Mohan

Tarun Mohan
2 min readApr 6, 2024


What did you do this past week?

This past week our team focused on finishing up phase 3 of our full stack website project. This mainly involved implementing searching, sorting, and filtering. I was mainly focused on implementing a more complex version of pagination that could handle dealing with applying several filters at once. I also helped implement some of the feedback that was given to our team in the last phase and reworked our project to fit the given guidelines better.

What’s in your way?

The main thing in our way was mainly dealing with the searching functionality. It was pretty difficult for us to figure out how to return all instances that matched a given set of key words. However, we were able to work through it and implement a rudimentary working version that we will hopefully improve upon before the next phase ends.

What will you do next week?

Next week, we will mainly be looking at taking a look at the guidelines for the next phase. We will likely start by simply planning out what we need to accomplish and divvying up the work so we can accomplish our tasks efficiently.

What did you think of Paper #11. More on getters and setters.

I discovered numerous aspects within this paper that resonated with me. The concept of employing objects that contain all essential data for task execution streamlines the coding process for programmers. This methodology empowers them to craft clearer code, abstracting lower-level operations and entrusting them to the object itself, thus eliminating the necessity for manual handling of every scenario.

What did you think of of SQL select, SQL subqueries, and SQL joins?

I thought this series of lectures was very interesting and a nice change of pace. This is the first time we’ve delved into a different language from Python so it was nice to learn something new. I already had experience using Excel so the lectures were a good refresher course.

What made you happy this week?

This week I was happy that we were able to finish the project. It was rewarding to see the culmination of our hard work in the form of a fully functioning site.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick-of-the-week is Jira. Jira is a great tool for project management and helps developers better track what they’re working on and elucidate their tasks.

