Turning 10,961 | Money v/s Lifestyle

Tarun Katiyar
4 min readSep 19, 2023


Here I am with a successful daily writing. And if you are interested in quitting smoking, I encourage you to read this short article.

Today, I would like to discuss the topic of why we earn money?

The reason why people earn money, as stated by ChatGPT, is to provide for their needs and wants, such as basic necessities like food, shelter, and clothing, as well as luxuries like vacations, hobbies, and entertainment. Money allows individuals to exchange goods and services with others for payment, specialize in particular areas of work and develop specific skills and services in exchange for payment.

However, it is essential to reflect on whether we are using the money we earn for our well-being and health. Many people have prioritized earning more money over their physical health and well-being as a result. It is crucial to remember that we are working primarily to lead a healthy life and ensure our survival, not just to accumulate more wealth. Pursuing career growth at the expense of sleep, good nutrition, and overall health is not sustainable in the long run, leading to a toxic lifestyle.

Thus, we should strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle and use our earnings to promote overall well-being and happiness, rather than solely focusing on accumulated wealth at the cost of our health and vitality.

What is the rationale behind working late nights? Why do we glorify it when it isn’t something we should promote? We should not applaud it as it could have potentially alarming impacts on our health. Earning money at the expense of proper sleep and consuming low-quality food is already a pressing issue. Especially in India where packaged food is in vogue, and there aren’t many regulations governing its safety. It is essentially poison that slowly kills you. The society that we are serving has slaved us and is fooling us by paying huge amounts as compensation while we are paying for it with our lives.

Why can’t we limit ourselves at some points and let things happen naturally? We should stop perceiving life as a race and prioritize our body and mind’s wellness if required to continue learning. What is the point of earning a lot when you do not have plenty of life left in front of you and are on the verge of experiencing a heart attack in the future as compensation for the maltreatment you’ve subjected your body?

It is apparent that individuals are not questioning the societal norms and blindly following the same without reflecting whether their lifestyle fits or not. For instance, I work at a firm that demands work from office despite me being a software engineer where I can totally operate from home and also my work requires me to available at odd hours. I had an argument with the management about why it is necessary to commute to the office. Still, the answer given to me was vague. Though they rebutted that there aren’t many issues during on-call weeks, they failed to acknowledge the fact that I am sacrificing my wellness for my availability.

Because of this requirement of availability, I invested and set up a gym at home to not miss working-out any day.

And now they want me to show up at office? I am not willing to waste my life traveling in Bangalore’s traffic, and it contradicts the nature of my job. I earn for a better and healthier lifestyle, not to compromise my well-being. I don’t mean that working from the office is incorrect, but it should not be enforced. It should be aspirational. The management fails to understand simple logic that if I have worked late at night addressing an issue, it shouldn’t be mandatory for me to show up at the office the next day.

I acknowledge that in certain occupations, it may not be feasible to avoid going to the office. However, in instances where it is achievable, please comprehend and avoid causing unnecessary traffic on the roads. It is an act of goodwill that we can extend to society by diminishing the construction of corporate offices that resemble jails if they force their decisions on employees.

I implore you all to stop following illogical regulations just for the sake of high pay-checks which is killing you softly from inside. Have aspirations in terms of health & lifestyle via money and not to earn money via health and lifestyle. This may not be applicable to everyone but I can certainly say for the community over here reading this.

Enjoy and live in today because tomorrow is uncertain. Allocate your time in a manner that aligns with the true intention of earning money, and refrain from spending the entire day solely pursuing wealth (directly or indirectly).

Happily open for criticism!!

