
A taste feedback interface for restaurants.

Tarun Mugunthan
tarun’s portfolio
3 min readOct 13, 2018


This was an interface design exercise under Prof. Mandar Rane

The Feedback Page

This page will have the dishes you ordered during the visit. You would comment on the food on each of the parameters through the sliders.

Sliders for feedback

The Recommendations page

Once you are done with inputting feedback, the recommendations will immediately show up with suggestions for your next visit. It gives a sense of instant feedback and gives you something to come back too.

Visual Indicators for connecting the feedback to the recommendations.


To design an effective and easy to use feedback system which also gives recommendations to explore dishes.

How I measured taste…


Our tastebuds are what allow us to detect taste. Biologically our tongue can perceive five kinds of sensations- Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter and Umami (savoury). All tastes are a combination of these fundamental sensations.

Shadarasa — Ayurveda

Indian Ayurveda has describes food to have 6 Rasas. These rasas have been separated based on taste and experience of food and have been associated with the elements of nature. They are used in Ayurveda to constitute balanced diets.

Conclusions drawn- The first set of parameters

Based on the secondary research I decided on 4 descriptive parameters to assess the taste of dishes. Sweet, Sour, Salty, Umami

Interviews- How people really perceive taste.

I interviewed a few different people regarding their experiences and taste preferences. This was to assess if the factors which I narrowed down upon were actually useful.

Conclusions- emerging parameters

People do not go by the fundamental taste sensations as dictated by physiology but have certain culture specific and socially understood ways of describing taste. There are certain basic adjectives which often show up when people describe taste.

New Parameters

  1. Hotness- Its what causes the burning sensation on your tongue. It comes from Chilli Peppers.
  2. Spice- Basically a measure of how flavourful the food is. Less flavour means the food is bland and tasteless.
  3. Richness- How heavy a dish is, comes usually from using milk and meat products and oil in substantial quantities.

Putting it to use - The User Interface

The user would have a way of rating the dishes on his order on the three parameters and then he/she would get recommendations based on what they have entered.

Use of icons
Taste Profile Cards

