The Birth of React and Reason to learn

Tarun Yadav
3 min readMay 16, 2020


In this article, I will tell you about Why react was developed and reason to learn react.

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces developed at Facebook.

How does traditional website work?

Traditionally, the webpage is made of bunch of HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT. HTML is there to provide structure to the webpage, CSS provides styling and JS provide logic in the webpage, for example, removing an element from DOM or adding in it.

The size of HTML file is mostly larger than JavaScript. When a web browser makes request to the server for the new page, the browser needs to reload the whole page and every time the browser make a request, it needs to reload the page.

Each time when a data is exchanged back and forth, a new page is requested from the server to display in the web browser. This process takes time to generate the pages on the server, sending it to a client and displaying it in the browser which may affect the user experience.

However, AJAX had made it possible to render just a particular component of the application, but this makes the development process even more difficult and complex.

Problem with these webpages

1. Comparatively complex development
2. Coupled backend and frontend

Birth of SPA (Single Page Application)

As per the name suggests, single page applications consists just one single page. SPAs present the content in an easy, elegant and effective way as it loads all the content on just one single page rather than navigating the user to different pages.

SPAs are faster than traditional web applications because they execute the logic in the web browser itself rather than on the server. And after the initial page load, only data is sent back and forth instead of the entire HTML that reduces the bandwidth.

Benefits of Single Page Applications

1.Single Page Apps are smooth and fast.
2. They are easy to develop and deploy.
3. SPAs are easier to debug.
4. Can be transited to mobile apps by reusing the same backend code.

Birth of React

As, webpage become more and more complex its become hard to maintain the web application , add new feature or scale the application.Tech giants like Facebook find its hard to provide better User experience.

The main purpose of React is to be fast, scalable, and simple. Some of the advantage of react are

  1. Easy to Learn, Easy to Use

2. Reusable Components

3. The Virtual DOM

4. Great Developer Tools

5. It’s Easier to Write with JSX.

React has already hit the point of being mainstream and is used by a number of large companies including, of course, Facebook, but also Netflix, Airbnb, Dropbox, IMDb, PayPal, Tesla Motors, Walmart and many others. Pretty good company to keep! There is a robust ecosystem to support it with tools, support, and experienced developers. And, of course, there is its Facebook parentage.

There Is No Better Time Than Right Now To Learn React

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Tarun Yadav

Frontend Web Developer || ReactJs enthusiast || JavaScript | ReactJs | MongoDB | Bootstrap | HTML & CSS |