2 min readFeb 28, 2018


Venezuela is not a “rogue” government (at least not as much as the US, that imposed illegal sanctions on them). Venezuela is a democratically elected government formed by a coalition of parties that supported Nicolas Maduro in 2013 and won an election, by a small margin, over the opposition candidate, Henrique Capriles. In a constitutional democracy, an elected chief of State keeps its position until its mandate is over and then new elections are held.

You know? Like in the US. Well, in Venezuela it’s the same. Next Presidential election is very soon: 22nd April, 2018. And Trump is getting mad: they want to avoid that, after they’ve been asking anticipated elections for years. Why? Because the opposition is divided and weakened by the disaster they’ve done last year (do you remember the people in the streets? many of them weren’t peaceful protesters for democracy… they were violent gangs payed by well known opposition politicians, that are funded by the US, with millions of dollars).

You can argue that your favourite TV show or newspaper says that Venezuela is bad and Maduro a “dictator”, but that is called propaganda and it’s not necessarily based on facts, actually it is based on corruption and private interests. Like those of Exxon Mobil, the company Rex Tillerson has ben CEO for many years. The US love Venezuelan oil and Venezuela has the largest oil reserves on the planet.

You ask if people who’ve followed and loved Bitcoin imagined if it would have been adopted by a state one day. Are you kidding? All HODLERS have dreamt for years that states start to buy and use Bitcoins and other crypto currencies as national reserves. Well that’s exactly what Venezuela is doing: not only introducing the Petro, but also regulating private miners, starting State owned mining factories in high schools and universities (managed by students and teachers!).

Yes, that’s Venezuela. A South American country that the US hate and consider a third world nightmare is doing things that have never been done, to protect their trade and economy from US sanctions (and possibly criminal oil embargo that could literally starve millions of people).

Not only you attack a country that is guilty of defending its political process and democracy, its sovereignty and its independence from US brutal colonialism and coups. You also defend and believe the propaganda of a country that has killed more than a million people in the last 15 years and destroyed entire nations, provoking endless humanitarian catastrophes.

Thanks for supporting the people of Venezuela and researching the history of Latin America and the decades of dictatorships and coups funded and organised by the United States, in order to steal their resources and keep their workforce cheap and enslaved.

