Tash Mitch
2 min readSep 27, 2019


Unconditional love sounds amazing, love with absolutely no conditions attached, allowing you to be your full self with warts, farts and all. Fully embraced, fully held, fully loved. It sounds absolutely stunning right?

The thing is that unconditional love is an inside job. Until you can feel the love you have for your own self without conditions, you’ll only ever be able to receive a compromised version of this on the outside.

It’s in the parts of your body that you hate. Can you now give them love and full acceptance so that they can be seen without shame?

It’s in the mistakes that you made in the past. Can you forgive yourself, knowing that you make mistakes in order to learn, to be better and stronger the next time round?

It’s in the ways you judge yourself as inadequate, not enough, incomplete. Can you be curious enough to discover who you really are, in the understanding that if you don’t express yourself the same as someone else,it doesn’t make you wrong and them right, it just means that there is something else there for you to learn?

It’s in the way you feel bad about not fitting in, about being unique. You are here to discover who you are in relation to the other, as a reflection of the other, as an extension of the other. If there are differences, instead of judging can you lean in and find out more? There is a part of you that can be brought to your awareness in this interaction.

A quest for unconditional love on the outside is a yearning do discover it on the inside. It takes discipline, commitment and the spirit of exploration.

Thank you for your attention. In service to Divine Love, we are the Council Of Light.

Tash Mitch

Hi, I am a creative. life & business coach. energy alchemist and writer. My web space is www.tashmitch.com pop by and say hello!