Mindset And Productivity

what is a productive mindset and how to achieve it?

Taskeen Qasim
3 min readDec 22, 2022
Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Are you curious about a productive mindset and how to attain it? well, I am here to solve your problem, let's have a look. There is a common thinking if a person is busy he/she is productive and has a productive mindset but it's totally out of context. There comes situations when you think you are very active about things and doing well, but at the end of the day when you check your to-do list, you become disappointed by noticing that you couldn't complete your tasks. so, is this productivity? what do you think about it? well, It's all about your mindset and setting goals. Let me tell you how!

Being focused and clear about the goals while working on achieving them within the available resources in an organized way is a reflection of a productive mindset.

What is a Victim Mindset and how it affects productivity?

It is a situation when you feel like a victim of a situation and you think the world is against you. consequently, you start blaming others rather than fixing the circumstances. Having a victim mindset leads to an unhealthy lifestyle as it affects confidence, self-esteem, positive attitude, and emotions that eventually result in social isolation, depression, and anxiety.

Factors destroying your productivity

I think it's necessary to share the bad habits that really play a part to ruin your productivity. These are listed below.

· Skipping breakfast

· Tackling the easy stuff first

· Keeping phone with you at work

· Having a negative attitude

· Not valuing yourself

· Poor diet

· Aiming for perfection

· Neglecting to make scheduled routine

Why a productive mindset is important?

Having a productive attitude toward your goals is the first step to achieving success. There are a number of benefits to having a productive mindset including higher productivity levels, discipline, motivation, exceptional performance levels, growing attitude, etc.

Having a productive mindset leads to attaining the ability to critically thinking, reasoning attitude, and problem-solving behavior. It makes a person self believer and achiever. Productivity is affected by both external and internal factors that include your environment and your mental stability respectively. These factors can change your behavior towards work. But! let me tell you, you can overcome these challenges only by setting a growth mindset.

10 important guidelines to develop a productive mindset

As you have come up with all the understanding about a productive mindset let’s have a look at how to develop it. The important step guides to achieving your goals are listed below.

1. Be honest with yourself

2. Have a clear vision of things

3. Be active, not just busy

4. Gather motivation

5. Set a goal for the day

6. Make a to-do list

7. Say no to your laziness

8. Manage your time

9. Focus on health and self

10. Live in the present

In the end, I will definitely sayProductivity is a mindset, not an action”. So, get up! what are you waiting for? set your goal for the day, list down your tasks, have a positive mindset, and proceed to complete your task. Good luck!

