Animal cruelty & mistreatment

4 min readOct 18, 2023

Around the world, animal mistreatment is a sad reality. Abusers have an effect on all sorts of animals. Some people mistakenly believe that neglect or abuse only occurs when they witness an animal that is hurt, yet broken limbs or open wounds are not the only signs of mistreatment. Animals should have a humane environment to live in. Numerous behaviors can constitute abuse or neglect.

Numerous cats, dogs, and other animals endure terrible suffering and pass away every day at the hands of those who are meant to look after and defend them. Numerous animals endure everyday incidents of physical maltreatment, psychological trauma, and life-threatening neglect.

There are many reasons why people mistreat animals. Animal fighting is an example of when it is done for amusement. A common justification used by hoarders is that they are saving and trying to save the animals. Due to a lack of knowledge about proper animal care or a lack of money to meet the animals’ requirements, some animals are abused or neglected. Many animals are mistreated in the process of producing food. Every instance of animal cruelty and neglect is unique, and it should be handled as such.

It is your moral duty to inform local law enforcement or the person in charge of animal cruelty investigations in your community if you see any abuse, neglect, or cruelty committed against an animal. Contact your neighborhood shelter or animal control organization if you believe there is animal cruelty or neglect going on in your neighborhood. The staff members at these institutions should then be able to direct you to the proper agency or to any other resources that might be of assistance in the case. Additionally, they may offer more advice on how to move forward. Give a needy animal shelter. An animal may need a helping hand, and you can provide it. Mistreated animals require assistance, sometimes right now. By removing an animal from a dangerous circumstance, you can make a significant difference. Your kids should learn to respect animals. Set a positive example by being kind to animals. Children should learn how to treat and appreciate animals. Encourage them to grow into the upcoming generation of animal rights protesters.

Animal cruelty occurs in a variety of contexts and affects a wide range of people. Animal abuse and neglect are the two main types of animal cruelty.

Neglect is a broad phrase that mainly refers to failing to give an animal the care they need, which causes harm to the animal. This can involve neglecting to provide water, having too many animals to properly care for each one, forgoing critical medical attention, or putting an animal outside in subfreezing weather.

Animal abuse is often associated with physical mistreatment of animals. An animal would be physically harmed in this kind of mistreatment. Animal abuse can have both psychological and physical impacts. Abuse and neglect can make an animal aggressive, fearful, painful, and more. In spite of the fact that birds, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, and reptiles are occasionally mistreated, dogs and cats are the most frequently abused animals. Animal pets, not wild animals, make up the majority of those hurt by humans.

Abandoning an animal is prohibited, including dumping it in a public area or leaving it unattended elsewhere. But enforcing regulations against abandoning animals is incredibly challenging.

Intentional acts that cause an animal pain, suffering, or even death are referred to as physical abuse. Beating, burning, choking or suffocating, dragging, drowning, hanging, kicking or stomping, mutilating, poisoning, shooting, stabbing, and hurling are just a few examples of abusive activities. Sexual intercourse with animals is also considered abuse, particularly when it results in harm or great pain, like anal or vaginal penetration, genital ligation, or lacerations.

In a case of severe pet neglect known as hoarding, the owner acquires an excessive number of animals while being unable to provide them with even the most basic levels of food, shelter, hygiene, or medical attention. The animals are also kept in conditions that are far too crowded. When animals are neglected, they become ill, starve to death, and sometimes even die.

Animal cruelty can come in a variety of forms, from temporarily failing to meet an animal’s needs to purposely killing or mistreating them repeatedly. Each state’s definition of animal cruelty differs in terms of the specific actions that are prohibited as well as the kinds of animals that are protected. The world of Earth is a very lovely place. In this environment, all living things are interdependent and coexist. It is believed that humans are the most intelligent creature on Earth. Animal rights are ethical precepts based on the idea that non-human animals deserve the freedom to live their lives as they like, free from being influenced by human desires.

Social awareness is also important.Speak up if you observe an animal being harmed. The proper care of animals ought to be covered in the classroom. Parents should treat their pets well in addition to teaching their children good behavior. For instance, despite the fact that both involve killing and frequently painful treatment of the animals, hunting is exempt from animal cruelty regulations while livestock is not protected. Despite the fact that the majority of animal cruelty laws are mainly intended to protect “companion animals” or pets, some jurisdictions have laws that protect wild animals from pointless injury such as “thrill killing”.




Legal Service Designer, writer, lawyer, justice seeker. I care about social justice, human rights, environment, equality, access to justice & more.