Brand Video: 10 Reasons That Prove Its Importance

TASK Marketing
8 min readSep 3, 2018


79% of the participating customers prefer to watch a product video than read the same information.

Your brand is the main focus of your business; everything you do, both online and offline either boosts your brand or degrade it. If your brand has good reputation in the market and among your target audience, you will get more business even if you put very little effort in it directly. And by brand, we don’t mean just your company or business; you may need to work on your personal brand as well. Now, you can make all the social media strategies, content strategies, work on your brand voice, and come up with the perfect content ratio, all in pursuit of boosting your brand. But having a brand video will really set you well on your way to success.

Content is King, But Which One?

“Content is King”. Everyone has heard this, everyone knows this. But ‘content’ is not just one thing, is it? It is an umbrella that holds everything from text, to infographics, to video and even the memes you post on Facebook. So which, among this, is the real king? Some may argue that it’s the text because, obviously, when you think content, you picture a blog or an article. But statistics say otherwise.

Google says that half (that’s 50%) of 18- to 34-year-old YouTube subscribers would drop what they’re doing to watch a new video from their favorite YouTuber. Moreover, it also found that 60% millennials and GenZers say that some videos they’ve watched have changed how they look at the world. Wyzowl, a video marketing company, found in their study that 79% of the participating customers prefer to watch a product video than read the same information.

Video is the underdog that is quickly making its way to its rightful throne.

We could give you more evidence, but the fact is that video is really the king, the underdog that is quickly making its way to its rightful throne.

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Why Brand Video Works

So, you’ve seen the statistics, videos are The Thing your brand needs to have a fighting chance in the digital world. But why do videos work so well, especially among the younger generations? Do videos even fit into your brand’s image? And even if they do, is it even worth it?

Let’s look at some points that will, hopefully, answer any such questions you might have about brand videos.

  1. Cheap and Easy
If you have a smartphone, an internet connection, and a clear idea of what you want the video to be, you, by all means, have a video.

As weird as it may sound, videos are really easy to make and absolutely inexpensive, even if you are on a small budget. Sure, big companies may have bulky equipment, professional cameras, a high-end editing software system, and a special studio to make their videos; some even hire professional crew members and actors. But that doesn’t mean small companies have to miss out on the fun. In fact, if you have a smartphone, an internet connection, and a clear idea of what you want the video to be, you, by all means, have a video.

In today’s tech savvy world, you don’t need to have professional anything to be qualified to make videos; all the bulky equipment can be replaced by your phone’s camera, and the fancy editing software? There are free websites and cheap desktop software that do an equally satisfying job. As for the professional actors and studio space — you talking to the camera in a small room is much more personal.

2. It’s an SEO Goldmine

Google algorithms, or the algorithms of any search engine, really, are designed specifically to bring up the most useful content for its users. That’s why you need SEO — to make your content worthy of being on the first page of a search engine in the eyes of the crawlers.

Google loves videos, especially YouTube videos.

Now, you go to Google and type in a “how-to” search, the first thing you see is a suggested clip, or a scrollable section with 3 videos per scroll. At the very least, the first few results are videos. So it’s safe to say that Google loves videos, especially YouTube videos (because YouTube is owned by Google and is the second largest search engine). This means that if you have the right tags in the video description and the right keywords in your video, your content is already as search engine optimized as it can be.

3. It Boosts Your Blogs

Adding relevant videos to your blogs is one of the best things you can do for it. A study by Moz found that blogs that incorporate videos attract 3x as many inbound links as blogs without video. Furthermore, people prefer videos over text, so if the video explains the content in your blog, it will keep the visitor on the page a lot longer than simply having an all-text blog.

4. Fresh Content, Everyday

Posting videos regularly is a lot easier than publishing new blogs.

Well, maybe not every day, but posting videos regularly is a lot easier than publishing new blogs, with new content every time. Posting new blogs consistently can be a hassle, especially if you don’t have a content team or if content is not your primary focus or if you simply don’t have the patience. In such cases, videos can be a Godsend. And the fact that people actually prefer videos is just a bonus.

5. It Builds Trust

Your target audiences are your potential customers. These potential customers will become paying customers only when they trust you enough; and nothing will earn you trust faster than a brand video. Videos, unlike text or any other content type, have a unique feature of adding a face to your brand, making it more human in the eyes of the viewers. A good brand video also lets your audience see and experience the genuineness of your business, especially if it is a small business. This further humanizes your brand and increases the chances of people buying from you.

6. It Adds to Your Brand Voice

Aligning your brand video with your brand voice helps add personality to your brand.

Having a strong, clear brand voice is very important to any business. Aligning your brand video with your brand voice helps add personality to your brand. This personality adds a human element to your brand and as we saw in the previous point, humanizing your brand is very important if you want to grain the trust of your audience.

Finding your brand voice is not hard, just the opposite actually. If you want to know how you can figure out your brand’s voice, here is a blog that will help you.

7. It Has a Wider Reach

Publishing blogs and updating your social media with text posts or image-based posts is not bad. But it restricts the reach that your brand can have because it excludes those parts of your audiences who have visual impairments. This restriction can be surpassed with the help of videos. Since video is an audio-visual medium, it can be viewed and enjoyed by every person in your target audience.

As a bonus, this also shows you as an inclusive brand and adds to your brand voice.

8. Users Have a Better Experience

If you’ve created a good, balanced video, your audience will understand the context of the video without any hassle.

With text, your audience is stuck having to read through the whole blog to understand it and with audio, like podcasts, they don’t have a visual aid to help them understand the context. But since video is audio-visual, a good brand video doesn’t face either of these problems. On one hand, if someone is busy doing something other than watching the video, they can easily pop in their earphones and listen to the video as background music. If they’re in public and stuck without headphones, they can mute the video and just watch it (in fact, 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound).

Either way, if you’ve created a good, balanced video, your audience will understand the context of the video without any hassle.

9. It Helps You Tell Your Brand’s Story

When we watch a video, especially if it’s a story, our emotions actually start to mirror what we’re seeing.

Just like your brand should have a strong brand voice, it should also have a good, genuine story. We’ve already established that videos give your brand a face; this already adds to the storytelling aspect. If you plan your video right, it will highlight those aspects of your brand that you want to include in your brand’s story and those traits that you want your brand to be associated to.

If you want to know more about what your brand story should be like, check out this social media storytelling blog and if you want to know the science behind storytelling, this blog reveals it.

10. It is More Emotionally Stimulating Than Text

We, as humans, are hardwired to react to any visual stimulus. So when we watch a video, especially if it’s a story, our emotions actually start to mirror what we’re seeing (no, I’m not making this up, it’s a scientific phenomenon called ‘emotional contagion’, look it up). Why else will we get jumpscared while watching a horror movie when we know it’s not real?

A properly planned out brand video will help you use this phenomenon to your benefit and even a brief interaction with your video will leave a bigger impact on your audience than any text post ever will. And an emotionally invested audience has higher chances of becoming a paying consumer.

Now, you may or may not think that video marketing is the right path for your brand, but a brand video is a must for every business, regardless of its size. A good brand video not only helps you connect with your audiences, it also tells them what your brand is about.

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