TaskOn January 2024 Monthly Report

2 min readFeb 2, 2024

Time for TaskOn’s monthly summary!

In January, we proudly launched version v1.7.2, introducing an array of captivating new features. These additions include the Campaign Template, Account Merge, and more. These enhancements play a pivotal role in elevating platform usability and enriching the user experience. We are committed to providing heightened convenience and fostering innovative interactions for all our valued users.

Furthermore, we expanded our ecosystem support by integrating Starknet and Bitcoin Networks. Meanwhile, more than 130 new partners have launched exciting campaigns and more than 1.2M users were active on our platform.

Here is a detailed recap of TaskOn’s highlights and updates in January.

About TaskOn

TaskOn is a Web3 task collaboration platform ideal for marketing and operations. It enables you to easily run campaigns to promote your brand, acquire new real users, grow your community, drive up volume, mint NFTs or manage a whitelist.

It’s a free Web3 version of Gleam, but way better, complete with a variety of templates for on-chain and off-chain tasks.

Website: https://taskon.xyz/

Email us: contact@taskon.xyz

Twitter: https://twitter.com/taskonxyz

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tjszFr7wHz

Telegram: https://t.me/TaskOnOfficial

