SQL practice: Northwind Database.

An interactive SQL practice session using the Northwind database.

5 min readApr 28, 2023

The Northwind database is a sample database that is commonly used for practicing SQL queries. It consists of several tables that represent different aspects of a fictional company’s operations, such as customers, orders, products, employees, etc.

In this SQL practice module, I’m using a built-in web-based environment at www.sql-practice.com which is a great site for practicing SQL queries.

There are 13 questions available, ranging from easy to hard-to-perform SQL queries. Let’s take a look at the schema:

northwind database schema

Now, let’s look briefly at the available tables and their primary and foreign keys.

After checking, I’m making a comment on the primary key and foreign key.

SELECT * FROM products; — Product_id, category_id, supplier_id

SELECT * FROM customers; — customer_id

SELECT * FROM categories; — category_id

SELECT * FROM suppliers; — suplier_id

SELECT * FROM orders; — order_id, customer_id, employee_id

SELECT * FROM employees; — employee_id

Let’s start answering the questions on the website.

Q.1 — Show the category_name and description from the categories table sorted by category_name.

select category_name, description

from categories

order by category_name;

solution to question 1

Q.2 — Show all the contact_name, addresses, city of all customers who are not from ‘Germany’, ‘Mexico’, ‘Spain’

select contact_name, address, city

from customers

where country not in (‘Germany’, ‘Mexico’, ‘Spain’);

solution to question 2

Q.3 — Show order_date, shipped_date, customer_id, Freight of all orders placed on 2018 Feb 26

select order_date, shipped_date, customer_id, freight

from orders

where order_date = ‘2018–02–26’;

solution to question 3

Q.4 — Show the employee_id, order_id, customer_id, required_date, shipped_date from all orders shipped later than the required date.

select employee_id, order_id, customer_id, required_date, shipped_date

from orders

where shipped_date > required_date;

solution to question 4

Q.5 — Show all the even numbered Order_id from the orders table.

select order_id

from orders

where mod(order_id, 2) = 0;

solution to question 5

Q.6 — Show the city, company_name, contact_name of all customers from cities which contain the letter ‘L’ in the city name, sorted by contact_name.

select city, company_name, contact_name

from customers

where city like ‘%L%’

order by contact_name;

solution to question 6

Q.7 — Show the company_name, contact_name, and fax number of all customers that have a fax number. (not null)

select company_name, contact_name, fax

from customers

where fax is not null;

solution to question 7

Q.8 — Show the first_name, last_name of the most recently hired employee.

select first_name, last_name, Max(hire_date) as hire_date

from employees;

solution to question 8

Q.9 — Show the average unit price rounded to 2 decimal places, the total units in stock, total discontinued products from the products table.


round(avg(unit_price), 2) as avg_unit_price,

sum(units_in_stock) as total_unit_in_stock,

sum(discontinued) as discontinued_product

from products;

solution to question 9

Q.10 — Show the ProductName, CompanyName, CategoryName from the products, suppliers, and categories table.

select p.product_name, s.company_name, c.category_name

from products p

join categories c on p.category_id = c.category_id

join suppliers s on p.supplier_id = s.supplier_id;

solution to question 10

Q.11 — Show the category_name and the average product unit price for each category rounded to 2 decimal places.

select c.category_name, round(avg(p.unit_price), 2) as avg_unit_price

from categories c

join products p on p.category_id = c.category_id

group by category_name;

solution to question 11

Q.12 /* Show the city, company_name, contact_name from the customers and suppliers table merged together. Create a column which contains ‘customers’ or ‘suppliers’ depending on the table it came from. */

select city, company_name, contact_name, ‘customers’ as identity

from customers


select city, company_name, contact_name, ‘suppliers’ as identity

from suppliers;

solution to question 12

Q.13 /* Show the employee’s first_name and last_name, a “num_orders” column with a count of the orders taken, and a column called “Shipped” that displays “On Time” if the order shipped on time and “Late” if the order shipped late.

Order by employee last_name, then by first_name, and then descending by number of orders.*/

select e.first_name, e.last_name,
count(o.order_id) as num_orders,

when o.required_date > o.shipped_date then ‘On Time’
else ‘Late’
end as shipped

from employees e
join orders o on e.employee_id = o.employee_id

group by shipped, first_name
order by last_name, first_name, num_orders desc

solution to question 13

In summary, I had to use a wide range of SQL queries to answer those business questions, from simple SELECT statements to more complex queries involving [Distinct, Group By, Having, In, Join, Like, Null, Union, Where, joins, subqueries, Max, case, and aggregations].

If you’ve read this far, I appreciate you taking the time to review my work.




Data Analysis and Data Science Writer | Python, SQL, Power BI