One of the best writing tips around: Set reasonable writing goals for yourself

Always remember to set reasonable writing goals for yourself. The key word in that sentence is, you guessed it: Reasonable.

Writing a two hundred and fifty to a three hundred page novel is going to take you more than a week to write.

It is good to have goals, but make sure they are suitable to your life. If after looking at your calendar you feel that you will be able to dedicate three hours a week to writing, set your goals accordingly.

For some, writing every day is a reasonable goal. If this is a possibility for you, decide if you are able to dedicate 30 minutes a day to writing your book or 3 hours a day. Always remember that something is better than nothing. So, 20 minutes a day or every couple of days is better than going 2 weeks without writing at all.

For others, every other day or twice a week may be attainable.

Sit down and take a few minutes to write out your daily schedule. Then, decide when you can fit in time to write.

It is really that simple.

After you set your writing goals, strive to attain them. But, do not beat yourself up if sometimes you do not reach the goals you have set for yourself, as life does happen. Decide to start back up tomorrow and get back on track again.



Deanna Martinez-Bey
All Things Books: Writing, Editing, Reviews and more

Published author, food writer, pastry chef, runner, and lover of coffee and chocolate. #foodie #author