Language, alphabet, printing press and the internet/pursuance

George Sykes
4 min readDec 6, 2017


Its time for talk

Ever since the invention of language (the spoken word), humans have shared. We have shared out knowledge our beliefs and our values. We did this by inventing a list of meaningless sounds and attributed meaning to them. This enabled us to grow from small species of hunter-gatherers to a vast spread empire of individuals who share their knowledge. This was how it was for tens of thousands of years, knowledge and wisdom were passed on down through generation by word of mouth. This enabled the formation of the first great empires and states. In short, it allowed us to share information.

Then we evolved. We started not only to exchange our thoughts and feelings with words but with text as well (the written word). But most importantly of all, we learnt how to store our collective knowledge. This stopped (partially) the editing and misinformation that happened previously. But most importantly it didn’t take long for this to happen. Certainly not as long as language took to take hold. We soon started to collect our text and compiling them into scrolls and books. This invention again allowed the foundation of great empires such as ancient Egypt and Rome. In short, it allowed us to store information.

Ideas spread forming differences in opinions sometimes they clash, sometimes violently

And then again we revolutionised ourselves. The printing press was invented. It allowed the mass production of books both conservative and controversial (the transmitted word). This enabled new political philosophies to spread and to purpetuate society. We saw this in the development, deployment and eventual downfall of communism. One person was able to read the works of others before him (using the written word), persuading others to push the new agenda (the transmitted word) who then persuaded the masses to rise up in vast numbers and overthrow a vastly superior foe (the spoken word). By utilising the work of others an entire economic and social system rose and subsequently fell.

We now live in an age where nots only can we write, transmit then broadcast our ideas and beliefs. We can do so instantly, to anyone, anytime, anywhere. This is the ultimate culmination of all those who have come before us.

Imagine what we could do?

And yet we do not see an impending revolution, we are not tearing down the institutions of old to replace them with new and fairer ones. Instead, those old institutions are opposing us fighting the change as it threatens themselves. I am not claiming that they are doing this deliberately, no. I rather believe that all social systems are inherently immune to change and that in order for anything to change in a significant way we need to mobilise on a massive scale as never seen before. Luckily for us though, despite the amount of support necessary to accomplish this monumental task of reform and change; we have a secret weapon. The internet. It was first used to successfully orchestrate political change in the Arab Spring, it triggered a series of revolutions that brought down decades of dictatorship. Sadly however due to dis-coordination and a lack of prior preparation, the system was simply replaced by another dictatorship. However, this does not necessarily need be the case by building and deploying systems such as the pursuance activism model and blockchain. We can and will revloutionise the world like never seen before.

I want to do nothing less than instigate a global revolution changing the way we live and think

But we can only do this with your help. It doesn’t matter what your political position be. It could be left wing, right wing, pirate (as I am) or even apathetic. So long as you talk so long as you are aware of the system. Then we can start the real task of campaigning and fight for a future worthy of our creation, our world and of us.

