George SykesinPirate Party UKThe Internet: Time for a check-upMozilla releases 2018 Internet Health ReportApr 17, 2018Apr 17, 2018
George SykesLanguage, alphabet, printing press and the internet/pursuanceEver since the invention of language (the spoken word), humans have shared. We have shared out knowledge our beliefs and our values. We did…Dec 6, 2017Dec 6, 2017
George SykesEPQ Part 3: We’re all a bit f***D (how many jobs will go)The first question that must be answered in this topic is how much automation will occur. There have been many studies that have attempted…Nov 28, 2017Nov 28, 2017
George SykesMy EPQ Part 2: IntroductionAutomation is set to un-employ people at a scale and rate never seen before, while simultaneously changing societies very nature on an epic…Nov 23, 2017Nov 23, 2017
George SykesMy EPQ Part 1: AboutEPQ stands for extended project qualification. It is a 5,000 word essay on a subject of your choice, so long as it does not align too…Nov 23, 2017Nov 23, 2017