Cryptograin is the service of quick accumulation, saving and increasing funds just like never before.

tasya nabilla
6 min readAug 26, 2018


In the Cryptocurrency Era, the best innovation innovations have always experienced various enhancements and increasingly have the best quality, with high demand and demand in large markets and increasingly experience the latest features that are getting better supported by the best teams in building that are increasingly bringing potential that continues to increase so that it will affect the value of the product in the market. Then the increase is also driven by the development of blockchain technology which is currently experiencing a good improvement, bringing a form of quality in the system and the network is getting better because the technology factor in the blockchain has a big influence and good benefits in growth in the present and in the future.

As usual, on this occasion I will provide an interesting information especially in the world of Cryptocurrency. This ICO project is related to the world of finance and investment, before the discussion, it is important for you that the contents of this blog are solely for mere information needs, and there is no compulsion to purchase tokens. The choice is yours. And hopefully this time information relating to the world of finance and investment certainly gives you little insight and interest to be involved with the ICO Cryptograin project.

About Cryptograin.

Cryptograin allows to overcome the gap between fiat and cryptocurrency funds. In addition, it offers a full ecosystem to exchange funds into currencies and fiat cryptocurrency assets. Users will be able to use bank cards every day without concentrating on saving money for your own needs. operate without adding bank cards for permanent benefits and users have the opportunity to transfer fiat and cryptocurrency funds to the fast savings Сryptograin service. A user can save funds in the service wallet, transfer them to other crypto currencies and withdraw funds to the bank card in fiat,

In the first phase our service offers accumulation options. In the future, we plan to expand our infrastructure and integrate third-party services into the ecosystem. We also plan to develop new services. The main objective of the ryrytograin service is to provide a convenient and functional savings tool for as many users as possible and to reach a wider target market in various countries.

The following benefits can be obtained if you join the Cryptograin program:

For investors

  • Bonus of net income from transactions of all users on the service.
  • Bonus of the subscription fees of all users on the service.
  • Fortunately because of the growth in cryptocurrency rates.
  • Percentage of earnings received as loan interest rates.

For users

  • Bonus from user transactions brought to service.
  • Bonus of subscription fees for users brought to service.
  • Bonuses from loan users brought to service.
  • The profit from the growth of funds is invested in crypto assets.

The Problem We Solve

Gathering wealth requires time and perseverance. And this is not an easy process because knowledge of the main economic principles is needed.

  • Money must make money. Maintaining money in a deposit account in a regular bank will not lead to accumulation, as long as bank deposit interest cannot exceed the inflation rate.
  • Low salary, lack of certain economic knowledge, and failure to use financial instruments to prevent people from accumulating income.

However, despite all the facts mentioned above, everyone has the opportunity to start saving today with the help of Cryptograin that introduces modern services and technology to enable accumulation.

  • We will try to change your attitude towards money — you will start saving it almost without being aware of this fact.
  • We will help overcome the psychological barriers that many people have: “I don’t have money to save.”

One of the main tasks of Cryptograin is to promote wide-scale recognition and user involvement in the ecosystem of collecting digital assets, by providing high-quality and simple tools to store. Average users may have little experience in using cryptocurrency and, most likely, do not have easy access to it.

In addition, the average consumer always has concerns about new and innovative technology, he faces difficulties when using the tools and options available. In the Cryptograin mobile application, users get access to a digital wallet that allows accumulation in fiat and cryptocurrency, make payments, and execute exchange transactions with the help of a simple and easy to use interface

It’s easy to save and make money

  • DURING SHOPPING: Round up transactions when shopping at stores and outlets, and automatically invest the difference into a personal account.
  • WHEN DEPOSITING A CARD: Rounds up transactions when depositing a card (transfer of incoming funds) and automatically invests the difference into a personal account.
  • REGULAR TRANSFER: Make a permanent transfer to your account every day, weekly or monthly.
  • WHEN DEPOSITING THE ACCOUNT: Invest funds when depositing a personal account.

You can withdraw funds to a debit and virtual card from Cryptograin.
Save money on services, and if necessary — withdraw money around the world, make free purchases at the store, get money directly to the card.

You don’t need any special economic or financial knowledge.
Because of insignificant money transfers, your wealth increases. It is possible to deposit a wallet with fiat and cryptocurrency, carry out any operations in depositing and withdrawing funds, exchanging fiat into cryptocurrency and vice versa. The professional team develops and supports these services.

To better understand this platform, let’s watch the video below:

Details of Tokens and Information Ico

  • What is a Token: Token gives you the right to receive a Cryptographic service bonus
  • Symbol: The official name is CGR
  • Start Date of Selling Token: 12: 00 (UTC + 3) 25.06.2018
  • Token Sales End Date: 23:59 (UTC + 3) 29.08.2018
  • Total Stock: 17 000 000
  • Total Volume Tokens Allocated For Sale: 12 750,000
  • Initial price: 1 CGR = 1 $ (without bonus)
  • Minimum Amount of Purchase: Unlimited
  • Adjustment: Tokens that will not be sold as long as the ICO will be destroyed.
  • Payment Structure: Payments are made from day 1 to 10 of each month


Our team

Our partner

For more information please visit the following link below:

Author: Tasya Nabilla
Bitcointalk profile:;u=1785676
ETH: 0x14DAEA80662fc2726c6348989bd2eDe94C4a1d79

