open me plss!!!

3 min readSep 16, 2022


hellow, pacar dejun selingkuhan echan!

eh sebelum baco ini, play lagu ini dulu yaww!

sdh di play? okeee boleh lanjut bacoo xixi

happiest birthday nyunnn (one of my fav person in my world) ♡

selamat ulang tahun yang ke 22 tahun nyunnn, all the best for you ♡ i hope u always happy and healthy. semoga di umur yang sekarang ini jadi pribadi yang lebih dewasa, lebih baik lagi dari sebelumnyo, semoga dilancarkan dan dimudahkan segalo urusan di dunia maupun di akhirat, semoga apapun yang kau inginkan tercapai nyun, semoga dilancarkan jugo kuliahnyoo, semangat nyunnn! oh iyo, semoga tahun depan kito nonton konser nct bareng samo indah dan egak, aamiin paling seriuss…

maap yo kadonyo nyusul nyunnn, tahun depan aku kasih special yee, maap jugo dk biso ngerayoin bareng nyunn :( doain aku cepet dapet kerjo biar biso ngasih kado yg lebih bagus lagi okenggg?

i wanna say thank you for being my bestfriend and thank you for always be by my side when i’m in my lowest point and i’m not okay, thank you for all the long conversations, thank you so much for everything.

makasih sudah peka kalo aku lagi dak baek-baek, makasih jugo sdh dengeri aku nangis wkwkwk, makasih sudah selalu dengeri cerito aku yang random, makasih dak pernah nolak kalo aku gabut ngajak telponan, kalo kau mager atau nolak nak telponan ngmng bae yo nyun, “tasya, besok bae yo telponan” aku ngerti dan paham okeyyy, jangan ngeraso dk enakan nyun. kalo kau jugo pengen cerito random atau gabut, call me okeyy

i’m so grateful to have a bestfriend like you nyun, i’m glad we met. i’m glad we got closer and got to know each other more. you’re the most kindest, carest, craziest person i’ve ever met. you’ve always made me happy when i’m not having the best day. even i’ve had more than 100 friends in my life, but you know that you’re my number 1 for me and always will be.

i wanna say i’m so proud of you, if anyone knew what you were going through right now, they wouldn’t know how you’re still standing. you’re so strong and always doing your best, every single day, and that’s more than enough. makasih sudah bertahan sampe sekarang nyun, makasih sudah nyelesain masalah dewekan, makasih idak nyerah walaupun aku tau pasti berat dan pengen nyerah, makasih, i’m very very very proud of you ♡ and don’t forget, there’s someone out there that’s proud of you. and that’s me.

ohh iyo kurang2in yo overthinkingnyo, dak bagus walaupun aku jg sering overthinking whehehe. pokoknyo kurangi overhinking okayyyy

if you’ve been overthinking, this message is for you “you’re enough, you’re worth so much and you deserve all the love and everything. you aren’t lazy, you aren’t worthless, you doing your best is already enough. you aren’t late, you aren’t missing out on anything. stay focused on yourself, and the present. what is yours will come to you in the right moment. trust yourself and Allah’s planing. you are exactly where you’re supposed to be right now.” ♡

thankyou for everything nyun. words can’t even explain how grateful i’m for you and have you. i love you to the moon and never back ♡

remember xiaojun, haechan, and me ofc always loves you!!

“janji takkan kemana-mana, ya?”

dah selesai kan baconyo? i made this for you, semoga sukaaa! ♡

with love,

tasya cantik (pacar jaemin & lucas)

