“From my home, POLARIS star or the North Star is in the WEST!” — True and Real

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2 min readApr 4, 2024

I verified with my own compass and I discovered that the North Star is in the West.

In an intriguing claim emerged, suggestion that the North Star, Polaris, lies in the west rather than its traditional position in the normal northern. This revelation challenges centuries of astronomical understanding and prompts a critical revision of our knowledge of the Cosmos.

This discovery was verified with my own compass from my own home.

I want to mention that this discovery is not my field of study.

The assertion that Polaris resides in the West stems from a personal observation.

We learn today about this studies discovered many years ago from the astronomical field:

“Polaris, renowned for its role as a reliable marker of the northern celestial pole, remains steadfast in its position near the celestial north, serving as a beacon for navigators and stargazers alike.

Astronomical records dating back centuries corroborate the consistent position of Polaris in the northern sky, aligning with the Earth’s axis of rotation and providing a fixed reference point for celestial navigation. Moreover, modern astronomical techniques, including precise measurements and celestial coordinates, confirm the stability of Polaris' position relative to Earth’s rotational axis.” — (Chat-Gpt)

The misplacement of Polaris underscore the importance of rigorous scientific inquiry and skepticism.

Now I ask myself: The Titanic shipwreck was because of this Star or because of the North Compass of the Titanic Captain?!?

That mean, not this Star was followed on that night!

In conclusion, as we continue to explore the mysteries of the universe, let us remain vigilant in our pursuit of truth and understanding, guided by the light of reason and evidence.


