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What Steve Jobs Taught Me About “Packaging”

Raj Tated
4 min readOct 4, 2017


It’s All About “The Experience”

It all started when I bought my first I pod in the year 2007, back in those day’s I didn’t know who Steve Jobs was, all I bought the I pod because It was something which everyone wanted, you can say it was like a domino effect, before that I used to have a Mp3 player which used to come with around 50–100 songs with 1Gb, I was so small that I didn’t even know what do you mean by GB, I was 14 years old, and all I cared was I need more tracks in my music player, and now when I see this video on YouTube,

Skip to 14:00–22:00, Steve knew what people want to listen…

All I can say, Steve Jobs and apple had a different approach , they changed the way how marketing is done, Instead of talking about software and hardware which all the other brands used to do, they spoke about “What’s In It For Their Customer’s”,

I-pod was designed in such a way that even a 6 year old kid could operate it in the first-go without reading the manual,

It is 2017 now, my I-pod is not working any more as I tried to open and fix few things which I thought I would be able to do it when I was 15, but I do have the same I pod which my father bought for me and with “The Packaging”

Yes, I yet have the I pod box with me along with the broken I Pod, here it is..

Few months back when I started with my Start up “TaTed”- Luxury Handcrafted Shoes Without Breaking The Bank (Launching soon on Indiegogo), I found out my I-pod yet lying in my closet, I opened it and asked my self only one question “ Why Do I Yet Have The I-pod In My Closet, When It Is Not Even Working Anymore ?”

The answer was my experience with the product itself, the first thing which came in my mind was “The Packaging” , it was “ a wow” experience for me as it made me feel special when I unboxed it in the year 2007,

So when I was deciding on the packaging for our handcrafted shoes, I found out that the whole Shoe Industry is yet going with the old way of providing the shoes in a corrugated box,

I wanted something which when customer receive, they adore it and keep it with them for years, just like how I did with my I pod, and here I came up with our packaging, after initial few prototypes we finally landed with “A minimalist design but at the same time which looks elegant” and we call it “The Blue Box” using the Vegetable Tanned Leather For The Outer Surface Of The Box, with red velour inside, I simply used red velour inside the box so that it goes along with my brand color as well and is pleasing to the eyes when someone open’s the box,

From the shoe to the shoe box, everything is handcrafted along with customer’s signature in “Gold”

Everyone is creating the best products in the world considering the quality of it, but very few focus on the end experience of the customer, and having an E-commerce business where the customer can’t even feel the product but yet is buying and trusting me and my product, it’s my duty to make that experience memorable, as when they received the shipment, the first thing they do is un-boxing it, and if packaging is not good, as a brand we lose the chance to provide them with a “Wow, Experience”

Raj Tated is a serial Travelpreneur who found his passion while traveling.

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