Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle. Psalm 144:1

God’s Army

3 min readAug 6, 2021


Dec 2020 — Closed-Eye Vision, Orlando

You’re in a livingroom sitting cross-legged, meditating with your partner.

Holy Spirit stirs your heart, calling you to “stand up.” There’s a battle of wills -pride not wanting to look ‘dumb’ vs desire to follow inspired action. Moving into a straight and tall posture, you’re suddenly transported into a heavenly army. WOW!! Millions (or billions…?) of beings surround you — all around you — as far as your eyes can see. Peaceful. Some are very tall. You can’t make out the details but sense that this army is very strong, very faithful, and bodies perfectly proportioned. Their eyes are steadfast on God, who’s too luminous and large for you to comprehend.

Looking all around you, you try to swing your arms and march as a soldier, not really knowing what you’re doing. You feel awkward, like a child in an old man’s body of poor posture. You haven’t read the bible or know what it entails to serve the Lord yet. An angel gently and lovingly moves you into position. Reassurance. Kindness. Understanding. It’s ok — you’re a newbie — and your heart and commitment is in the right place. God leads you.

Feb 2021 — Dream, Orlando

The car swerves out of control, zooming down hill in the dark night. The driver is someone you know and love dearly. As if you’re in a Mario Kart game, the car keeps hitting pylons on its way down despite the driver’s best efforts to steer.

Thank God, who stops the vehicle before it crashes into a building. We must rely on Jesus to be our leader for without Him we perish. God allows you a moment of rest in the building, where He grants you an illumination of conscience and a chance to heal / forgive family memories and repent sins.

Look out the window! An army approaches. They are evil. Your small party can ward them off for only a short while. Telepathically, you all understand to get outside and move uphill. But you’re in clear sight! Can’t the evil army see you?! Aren’t you in clear shot? Have faith my dear one! Grace will shield you. Blind them. Oh thank you dear Lord! Your party fires back with faith not bullets. Prayers, fasting, sacramentals and living in a state of grace is what God calls us to do.

Time to journey uphill again. Did you know you left your bag, some cash, and your ID!? Driver’s license. Passport. Isn’t it important? You wonder, “Should I go back and get it?”

Holy Spirit reassures your ♥️ heart. You don’t need it. Don’t turn back like Lot’s wife who turned to a pillar of salt. God calls you to be baptised into a new person. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” — 2 Corinthians

Over the hill’s peak, your ❤️ heart leaps for joy. God’s army! Vast! Enormous! Monumentous! Down on the ground, there are a few enemies bound and silenced from speaking to their counterparts on the other side of the hill. The enemies have a plan, but God’s always infinite steps ahead. You feel so confident and at peace, especially with the presence of Our Dear Lord and Saviour. Victory is already His, and more battles will be won.

