Amy dunne-Feminist icon!

Tamta Shermazanashvili
2 min readJul 15, 2022

The movie “gone girl” perfectly shows the ways in which society controls women and forces them to play certain roles, while also film shows the “privilege” given to men by society which allowing them to do whatever they want, unlike women.

In the film, we see that many women were kind of robbed of their freedom by their lovers, husbands or parents.They took away an important factor for a meaningful human existence — to have power over yourself only you and you only!

Nikc saw Amy as his image, he saw in her a woman who represented him, not as a free individual. He did not consider Amy as a person. At first, Amy was forced to change by her parents, and then by her husband, until she was exactly what the prevailing “social order” required. we finally got the result of the “order”, Amy- created as a secondary character in someone else’s story, specifically her husband’s life.

Amy didn’t like this kind of life, she decided to change and to fix it, she first completely destroyed everything, then divided it into micro parts, and finally gained control over each one. This is how Amy becomes the center of the film and the main character of her life.

Women in many films are portrayed as seductive, baiting, vulnerable objects (yes, objects, not characters), often when directors try to tell the story of smart, strong women, they still tend to fetishize the suffering of the characters, and here Amy is completely different, peculiar, fascinating, complex, self-confident , smart, manipulative, self-centered and sometimes even evil, it shows very well the face of women as a person and not as an object created by prevailing ideas.



Tamta Shermazanashvili

A big enthusiast of movies and TV series, dog lover and feminist. BA in Journalism and Mass Communication.