Quartus Prime Lite tutorial # 1 Installation

wachirawit wacharak
4 min readNov 15, 2020


Hello everyone. This story is the record of my Quartus learning progress. I’m also a beginner for Quartus and hardware stuff. And I notice that there aren’t much of Quartus tutorials. So I want to share my experience with you. Enjoy it!!

Before we can create a Quartus project or write some code, we need to install Quartus Prime and other required things. So this article is totally about installation.

Sign up for the Intel account

As you know or maybe not. We can download all the things that we need from fpgasoftware.intel.com. But we need to create an Intel account first.

Click here to sign up: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/my-intel/fpga-sign-in.html?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Ffpgasoftware.intel.com%2Fsaml_login%2F%3Fsso2

Download files.

These are files that you need to download.

  • Quartus Prime (includes Nios II EDS): This is the program that we will use for coding and program the board.
  • ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition (includes Starter Edition): This is the simulator program. After we finish our code and design, we will simulate the code by this program.
  • Device support: This file is different from others. It is the file that you need for introducing your FPGA hardware to Quartus. So from these files, you just need a file that suits your hardware. I will explain soon.

Click here to go to the download page: https://fpgasoftware.intel.com/?edition=lite

The version and OS support options.

As you see above, I select the edition to Lite and the release to 20.1. For me, my computer is Windows. So I select Windows.

The downloading buttons.

There are two downloading buttons parts. You must download all of the files in the first part. But in the second, I need to choose which file your hardware need. you can take a look at your board or its package.

The picture on my board.
The picture on my board’s package.

From the images, You will notice the word “Cyclone V”. It is my board’s family name. And you will found it in the second part. So you need to find out your board's family. And download that hardware support file.

Install Quartus Prime Lite and ModelSim

I think this part I don’t need to told you how to do it. You just double click the files to start the installations. And then just next, next and next. But at the end of the Quartus Prime installation, You will see the finished window with a check box with the text “Install USB blaster driver” after it. make sure you check it. because you need to install the driver that will introduce your hardware to your computer. Then when you click the finish button, it will start the driver installation.

For ModelSim, just next until finish installation.

3. Install device supporting

In the section, You need to launch a program. Its name is “Device Installer (Quartus Prime 20.1)”. you can find this program’s file below.

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Intel FPGA Lite Edition\Quartus Prime Lite Edition\Device Installer (Quartus Prime 20.1)

Fortunately for window users, You can search it at your window button.

The searching image.

You can just click on the window button and type its name. Then click it. This is the method that I usually use.

The window that appears after you click the first next button.

This window asks you where the folder you device supporting file is. You just select a folder that contains the file. Then click next.

Device selection options.

Now you will see your device family name. Make sure, you check it. Then click next until finish.

Now you installed all of the required software that you need. In the next article, I will tell you how to create your first design in Verilog language and how to simulate it. Have a nice day guys.

