Taurus Men
3 min readJun 23, 2018

Taurus man is known to have positive traits such as loyalty, generosity, determination, protectiveness, and patience. However, he is not all perfect and like all other star signs has some negative traits as well.

In this article, you are going to gain insights into some of his negative traits, which include stubbornness, jealousy, and his materialistic outlook, just to mention, but a few which, if not understood may impact adversely on any relationship. These traits are worth being aware of, pre-warned is pre-armed as the saying goes.

The Dark Side of the Taurus Man: Negative Traits


Taurus man can be really extravagant and often times he is likely to buy things that he does not need. He is known to spend a lot of money on buying stuff he considers to be of high quality just for the sake of surrounding himself with nice and worldly things. He can become obsessed with buying material possessions which boosts his ego and makes him feel good.

Related article: Top Taurus man traits and characteristics


Your Taurus man can be very lazy. For instance, he tends to be very ambitious and knows what he wants in life, but he is sometimes unwilling to put in the effort required to achieve his success. In addition, he has a tendency to prefer to just sleep on the couch rather than go outside to socialize if the event is something that he is not interested in.


The Taurus man is very uncooperative when it comes to listening to other people’s opinions. He is the kind of person who tends to hold his beliefs and ideas strongly and will not give in to the ideas of other people. Having said that, when dealing with a Taurus man, it is important to note that he never compromises because he thinks he is always right.


Taurus man can be very stubborn, particularly when involved in arguments. A Taurus man never minds whether he is right or wrong and once he makes up his mind about something, you can never change how he feels about it. In addition, he is so stubborn that after an argument he can decide to never talk to you again.

Highly jealous and possessive

Taurus man is known to be very jealous and possessive because of his unending insecurities. This trait becomes visible when a woman he loves starts flirting with other men. If you are dating a Taurus man, it is important to always avoid indulging other men in the presence of your Taurus partner because he will definitely not take it lightly. He wants to feel stable when dating you.

Taurus man can be very impractical and also likes to remain in his comfort zone. He doesn’t like taking risks and normally prefers to do things unhurriedly and in a progressive manner. Although he takes his time over things once committed he is very loyal and will expect his partner to be the same if they want to remain in a long term relationship.

See also: The Taurean man in a relationship


The stubbornness of the Taurus guy can make him a very emotional friend and partner. In addition, every Taurus man has a desire of being the best in whatever he does, particularly in his career. In other words, he is too hard on himself and he tends to have very high expectations of himself. At times he tends to set goals that are impractical and too high for him, which ends up frustrating him.

Final Thoughts

Just like every other person, the Taurus man also has some weaknesses, which have been discussed in great detail above. If you are in a relationship with a Taurus man, it is important that you understand his negative traits because they are likely to have a great influence on your relationship with him.
