7 simple yet effective ways to stop hair fall - Best hair care tips.

Tousif Raza
7 min readSep 13, 2022


Image by Unsplash

Hairs are cited as a crown for both men and women, it plays a vital role in a person’s personality and self-esteem. However, in this modern era, having hair problems has become a common story in everyone’s life.

For many people, hair loss has turned into a serious issue that makes them feel insecure and anxious in public. Your confidence can soar to new heights if your hair is lustrous and full of bounce.

Therefore, we'll discuss the following topics in this article to fix your hair problems permanently.

  • Main causes of hair loss.
  • Bad habits to avoid for hair growth.
  • 7 most effective ways to reduce hair loss.

Main reasons for hair loss

1. Nutritional Deficiency

Hair loss is one of the signs that your body lacks essential nutrients. Your body will display signs of nutritional inadequacies in your hair, which will affect the structure and growth of your hair.

Sudden physical changes, such as weight loss, can also indicate nutritional deficiencies, and a drop in protein intake can lead to hair loss.

Hair loss is linked to deficiencies in riboflavin, biotin, folate, vitamin D, and B12. Regaining these vital nutrients can stop the damage and promote hair growth within six months.

2. Traction alopecia

Hair loss is caused by actions that tighten your hair strands, such as pulling your hair out frequently. The circumstance that causes traction alopecia is wearing a tight ponytail, bun, or braids. Additionally, it may occur if your hair is tightly bound while you sleep.

It can also happen as a result of using excessive chemical products and frequently coming into touch with heat.

Although this can be undone if you stop tugging your hair back. It takes 6 months to regrow hair, but in certain cases where the hair follicles have been severely damaged, it may take a full year.

3. Androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is a genetically determined condition caused by an overactive androgen response. In both men and women, it is the most typical type of hair loss. Men who experience hair loss that begins above both temples and moves down to a receding hairline, creating an "M" shape on the scalp, are said to have male-pattern baldness.

For females, the ponytail shrinks as the hair gets thinner. Women have rarely had to go through total baldness, in contrast to men.

The most difficult genetic condition to manage occasionally goes untreatable. But if you take care of it, you can slow it down, and if you catch it early enough, you can even cure it.

4. Medications

Medication can cause excessive hair loss as a side effect. Medication-induced hair loss falls into two categories: telogen effluvium and anagen effluvium. Telogen effluvium is the most common cause of drug-induced hair loss.

However, drug-induced hair loss is easily reversed after treatment is stopped. Anticoagulants can cause hair loss in people who have heart disease.

5. Ringworm

It's a fungal infection that begins as a small pimple and gradually spreads throughout the scalp. Hair strands become brittle and break from their roots in infected areas, resulting in massive hair loss and leaving patches all over the scalp.

However, if the condition is treated properly in its early stages, the hair will usually regrow within 6 to 12 months.

Bad habits to avoid for hair growth

1. Hot Shower

A hot shower may feel refreshing, but it is harmful to our scalp. Hot water dehydrates the hair strands, causing them to become dry and brittle, prone to falling out. Hot water also removes all of the essential oils produced by the scalp, making it even drier. It creates a sense of urgency to produce more oil, which leads to more shedding.

2. Mishandling wet hair

Wet hair is far more fragile than dry hair because the protective layer of hair cuticles is slightly raised, making it easier to snap off. Immediate combing after the bath can pull off the weak hair strands. Using your towel roughly and direct heat can also cause damage to hair strands.

3. Skipping meals

Unhealthy diets or skipping meals can also contribute to hair fall. Your body requires essential nutrients for energy and growth. If you skip a meal and let your stomach go hungry, your body will suffer. Because of a lack of energy to keep your body running, the nutrients required for hair growth and nourishment will be distributed to your various body organs. A decrease in protein intake can cause excessive hair fall. Since hair strands are made up of protein, the loss of protein results in hair loss.

3. Smoking

Smoking is not only injurious to your health but also injurious to your hair. Smoking is deemed to fasten hair loss at an early age. If you've been diagnosed with smoking then your chances of losing hair are at their peak. Hair follicles need a continuous blood supply to stay strong and healthy. Smoking affects oxygen levels and slows down the blood flow which makes the hair strands harder to grow. And the continuous loss of fresh blood supply leads to hair fall. To put it simply, you need to stop smoking to save your hair and life.

4. Mental stress

Numerous nerve cells surround hair follicles, and any unwanted chemical activity can affect hair follicles via nerve cells. Stress can be a major factor in this game because it causes sleep deprivation, which affects nerve cells and, as a result, causes hair loss.

7 most effective ways to reduce hair loss

1. Oil massage

Even once a week, an oil massage can produce remarkable results. It improves blood circulation around your scalp and relieves stress by relaxing your scalp muscles. Using lukewarm oil can help to speed up the process while also providing additional benefits.

A lukewarm oil massage can keep the scalp from clogging, which can lead to fungal and bacterial infections. It also aids in the removal of dandruff, which is caused by a dry, scaly scalp that causes itchiness and eventually breaks the hair follicles.

2. Yoga or Meditation

Yoga is best known for improving flexibility and strength in the body, but it has far more benefits. Yoga is a stress-relieving exercise that also improves mental stability. Yoga relieves stress and promotes mental peace, which in turn promotes hair growth.

Meditation, on the other hand, is a significant practice for stress relief; consistently practicing meditation can heal your body, soul, and mind. It provides a sense of happiness and contentment, which regulates blood flow in your brain and, as a result, strengthens your hair follicles.

3. Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet includes a variety of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits, as well as fresh sea fish, nuts, and grains, which meet all of the nutritional requirements for hair growth. This diet has been linked in studies to reversing hair loss in cases of androgenetic alopecia. People are utilizing this diet, and if you do, try it for two weeks and you will begin to see remarkable results.

4. Maintaining a good hair care routine

Taking proper care of your hair is critical to maintaining its strength and shine, so if you follow all of the steps but fail to take care of your hair, the entire effort is futile. Make a hair care routine and stick to it; include shampooing and conditioning your hair at least 2-3 times per week, and use mild shampoos with no harsh chemicals in them.

If you use a towel to dry your scalp after bathing while your hair is wet, it will weaken the hair follicles. Also, don't comb your hair. Avoid using a hair dryer or too many styling products, as these can all cause excessive damage to your hair.

5. Onion Juice

For quite some time, onion juice has been popular; many brands include onion juice in their products and claim benefits. Onion juice is high in sulfur, which is said to prevent hair thinning and breakage and, if used frequently, can aid in hair growth. On alternate days, apply onion juice to your hair and keep it clean throughout the day. Also, for 10 minutes, comb your hair to increase blood flow in your scalp; this activity will speed up the process.

6. A natural hair mask

Wearing a natural hair mask even once a week is extremely beneficial to your dull and weak hair. Natural masks provide additional nourishment by moisturizing the scalp, strengthening the hair strands, and reducing dandruff on the scalp. There are many natural hair mask brands on the market, but I recommend making your own at home. You can make a variety of masks to address specific hair issues.

However, I recommend that you use the amla reetha shikakai mask. It's simple to make and high in vitamins C and D. It provides numerous benefits to your scalp and hair, and according to recent studies, it may aid in hair growth.

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is widely used as a skincare gel by teenagers, who apply it to their faces, eye patches, and skin. However, recent research has shown that Aloe Vera has numerous benefits when used in hair. Aloe Vera contains a high concentration of fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins A, B12, and C. All of these factors influence hair health.

With its essential nutritional properties, aloe vera strengthens hair follicles. It also aids in the control of greasy hair, which is caused by excess oil production in the scalp (Sebum). Aloe vera contains enzymes that break down fats, which aid in the removal of excess oil from your hair.


Your hair is your way to shine, so take your responsibility to keep the shine of your hair intact. We have covered several topics which will help you to identify the root cause of your hair loss as well as help you reduce or stop it. Ensure to read it carefully and implement the tips given to get the optimum results. And if you're not getting results if following these steps then consider talking to a trichologist or a hair care expert.



Tousif Raza

Hey, I'm Tousif a Content Writer/Copywriter. I'm writing in Medium as a hobby, I write about health, tech, and finance, and to stay tuned follow me right now.