5 colors of wood light bulb board game pieces at The Game Crafter.

New Board Game Pieces — Light Bulbs

Tavis Parker
1 min readJul 18, 2019


We added Light Bulbs to our Board Game Pieces Shop! They are made of wood and come in 5 colors. We look forward to seeing how you use these in your game designs. This expands our collection of board game pieces and we now have over 2,100 for sale on our website!

The Game Crafter is a print on demand board game manufacturer. We help people turn ideas into real board games. Make your game today at https://www.thegamecrafter.com/start.



Tavis Parker

Entrepreneur, community builder, and gamer. Co-founder of thegamecrafter.com and https://tabletop.events. We help people turn ideas into custom board games.