Mental Health — You Matter

Olivia J Tavormina
2 min readSep 28, 2021


“Tough times never last, but tough people do!” — Robert Schuller

Mental health used to be a subject that was completely taboo. If someone admitted to being depressed, there was no real help. You had to be either totally fine or sent to the looney bin, but there was no in-between. Thankfully, that is not so true anymore. There has been thousands and thousands of programs for people all over the world to get help for their struggles. The issue now is not finding the help, it is getting the help you deserve without fear of judgement or retaliation.

In this day and age, there is help everywhere. We now have Suicide Prevention assemblies at high schools and middle schools, self-harm is taken a bit more seriously, depression and other disorders are more understood. There are more mental health facilities for adolescents and knowledge on eating disorders. People who struggle with anxiety and all of these mental disorders now know that they are not going crazy. While there is help almost everywhere you look, that does not mean it is not hard to get it. Whether it is a money issue, afraid to ask for help, or fear of judgment gets in the way.

A lot of people who work in the mental health field, do not understand mental disorders. It is very difficult to understand something you have never experienced but it makes it very nerve racking to be going to a professional for help. Sometimes, they are too busy passing judgement to actually be any help. No one deserves to be put down for struggling with their mental health.

There should never be any shame for admitting you need extra love, you feel empty and unmotivated, or are afraid of how dark your thoughts on it. In fact, you don’t deserve to be put down for being brave enough to admit that you need help. Never be afraid to ask for help, because you deserve to be happy and stable. Do not listen to all the haters calling you “dramatic,” or “begging for attention,”. Mental health is not something to be ashamed of and is getting more understood each passing day. The world we live in is only gaining more knowledge on these issues. One day, there will be no judgment when it comes to struggling, only strong people to help lift you up and teach you better coping mechanisms. Regardless of what the negative words people say, never forget: You matter, and have the right to get better.

