How to create a “Like” button with JavaScript

Tawhid Ali
2 min readMar 9, 2020

We use like buttons everyday to show appreciation to things that we … well like! Here I will show you how to create a basic like button that when clicked, the count on the button itself will increase.

  1. First we must set up the HTML for our button.

2. Next we QuerySelect the Like button and the number inside the button.

3. Now we must write out the logic of what happens every time we click the button.

Here we are making a global variable that holds the amount of times Like is being clicked which is an integer. Then make a function that increases the like and then using literal templates display that integer inside our HTML. After that we make an event listener for the the button that basically initializes our increaseLike function.

There you go, a basic like feature using custom HTML and JavaScript.

