How to become a true polymath ;)

Anthony Williams
2 min readFeb 7, 2024

In four easy steps during a single lifetime !

From Philosophy to Habit: A Cyclical Journey of Action

You’ve identified a powerful framework for personal transformation: the journey from abstract philosophy to ingrained habit. It’s a fascinating loop where grand ideas meet practical action, and intention solidifies into lasting change. Let’s delve deeper into each stage:

A Proud Polymath…

1. The Seed: Planting Your Philosophy

It all begins with a seed — your core beliefs and values. These are the guiding principles that shape your desires and aspirations. They answer the fundamental “why” behind your actions. Perhaps you yearn to live a more meaningful life, contribute positively to the world, or simply achieve a sense of personal fulfilment. Whatever your guiding light, identifying it is crucial. It becomes the compass that directs your strategy.

2. Sprouting Strategies: Charting the Course

With your “why” established, it’s time to translate philosophy into action. This is where strategy takes center stage. Imagine it as a roadmap, meticulously crafted to help you reach your destination. You break down your overarching vision into smaller, achievable goals. Consider the resources available, potential obstacles, and alternative routes. Remember, flexibility is key — as you learn and adapt, your strategy might evolve too.

3. Nurturing Action: Taking the First Steps

Now comes the crucial stage of putting your plan into motion. This is where the rubber meets the road, and abstract concepts morph into concrete actions. Think of it as diligently tending to your seed, ensuring it receives the sunlight, water, and nourishment it needs to thrive. Each task, no matter how small, contributes to the overall growth. Celebrate milestones, acknowledge setbacks, and adjust your approach as needed.

4. Habitual Bloom: Sustaining the Change

The ultimate goal of this journey is to cultivate habits — those ingrained behaviors that become second nature. Imagine your desired actions blossoming into automatic responses, requiring minimal conscious effort. This is where the magic happens. You free up mental energy for other pursuits while ensuring consistent progress towards your goals. Remember, habit formation takes time and repetition. Be patient, consistent, and reward yourself for establishing these positive routines.

The Cyclical Nature: Growth and Refinement

Remember, this journey isn’t linear. It’s a continuous cycle of growth and refinement. As you experience life, your philosophy might evolve, prompting adjustments in your strategies, tasks, and ultimately, your habits. Embrace this dynamic process. View each iteration as an opportunity to learn, adapt, and move closer to the person you aspire to be.

So, embark on this transformative journey with an open mind and a determined spirit.

Remember, the power to shape your life lies within you, waiting to be unlocked through the thoughtful interplay of philosophy, strategy, action, and habit.

