Why Filing GST on Time is Important for Your Business

Tax Rupees
3 min readJul 1, 2023


Why Filing GST on Time is Important for Your Business

If you’re a business owner in India, then you know that goods and services tax (GST) is an important part of your tax obligations. But did you know that filing your GST on time is just as important?

Filing GST late can result in penalties, which can take a toll on your business’s cash flow. Furthermore, keeping accurate records becomes more difficult if you’re not up to date with your GST filings.

So why take the risk? Filing GST on time is crucial for the success of your business. Here’s a closer look at three key reasons why:

Filing GST on time is important to avoid penalties

» Late filing of GST can result in penalties
Late fees are a type of penalty for late filing. It costs Rs. 100 per Act every day to be late. So, 100 is covered by CGST and 100 is covered by SGST. The daily sum will be Rs. 200. The top amount is 5,000 rupees. In the event of a delayed filing, there is no late fee for IGST. Interest at a rate of 18% per year must be paid in addition to the late fee. The taxpayer must compute it based on the amount of tax due. From the day after filing to the day of payment, there will be a grace period.

» Penalties can be avoided by filing GST on time
Penalties can be avoided by filing GST on time. By ensuring that all GST returns are lodged on time, businesses can avoid the risk of being penalised by the GST Council. Good record keeping is also important to ensure that businesses are able to meet their GST obligations.

Filing GST on time is important for cash flow purposes

» Filing GST on time can help improve cash flow
One of the main reasons why businesses should file their Goods and Services Tax (GST) on time is to improve their cash flow. When businesses file their GST late, they not only incur penalties, but they also have to pay interest on the outstanding amount. This can quickly eat into any profits that the business has made. Good cash flow is essential for businesses of all sizes, as it allows them to meet their financial obligations and keep operating smoothly. By filing GST on time, businesses can ensure that they have a healthy cash flow and can avoid any financial difficulties down the road.

» Poor cash flow can be a result of late GST filing
Another reason why it’s important to file GST on time is that poor cash flow can be a direct result of late filing. When businesses don’t have enough money coming in to cover their expenses, they may need to take out loans or dip into their savings to make ends meet. This can put a strain on the business’s finances and make it difficult to recover from any setbacks. Filing GST on time is one of the best ways to avoid financial difficulties for your business. By staying up-to-date with your filings, you can ensure that your business has a healthy cash flow and can avoid any penalties or interest charges.

Filing GST on time is important to maintain records

» Maintaining records can be difficult if GST is not filed on time
If businesses do not file their GST on time, they may find it difficult to keep track of their expenses and income. This can lead to problems when it comes time to prepare financial statements or file taxes. Filing GST on time can be difficult to maintain records. The main reason for this is that businesses are constantly changing their products and services, which can make it hard to keep track of what needs to be filed. GST can also be filed electronically, which can make it even more difficult to keep track of.

» Good record keeping is important for businesses
Maintaining accurate records is critical for any business, regardless of size. Good record keeping helps businesses keep track of their finances, measure their performance, and make sound decisions about future planning and growth.

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