Mainnet Pre-Release Progress Update

Taylor French
3 min readMay 25, 2018


With the Mainnet launch date of May 29th quickly approaching, the Oyster team will be supplying its final Mainnet progress update before the actual release. Today’s post will focus on the work completed between May 20th — May 25th.

This week, the development team added functionality on the broker nodes to encrypt Ethereum keys before storing them in the database for additional security. The team also fixed several errors, including one where Ethereum keys were generated with a leading zero, as well as a mistake in how the system was calculating storage costs.

Furthermore, the team added a method to the broker node that determines the public Ethereum address from the private key. This method increases efficiency within the system by only needing the private key to be stored in the treasure payloads for web nodes to be able to claim the treasure.

In addition to the work mentioned above, the team also worked on transfers of Ether to and from Ethereum addresses within the system and the transfer of PRL from the upload system to a buried state, as well as unit tests for various Ethereum network methods. Furthermore, the team fixed several bugs associated with insufficient gas and bad signatures.

Overall, most of the development work completed this work focused mainly on ensuring that all the pieces are working together to ensure a successful Mainnet launch. Unit tests have been written for the majority of the system, including the broker nodes, web nodes, interactions with the Oyster smart contract, action models, Ethereum gateway, and more. The team has also conducted rigorous QA on broker node address collection, genesis hash collection, and the treasure claiming functionality of the web nodes. Furthermore, Prometheus has been implemented to monitor actions and times associated with the broker nodes.

With the Mainnet launch only a few days away, we want to ask our community to keep in mind, upload size for the initial release of Mainnet will not be unlimited — but it will be orders of magnitude larger than we handled in the testnet. The upload size limit and speed will continue to grow exponentially as we improve the process.

Huobi/HADAX Community Vote Only 1 Day Away!

Just as a quick reminder to our community, This round of Huobi/HADAX’s community vote that includes Oyster PRL will begin tomorrow, May 26th, and end on the 29th of May, 2018. Any and all efforts to vote or spread awareness of the community vote are greatly appreciated from our community. More information regarding the community vote and be found in our previous post here.

Any questions or comments are encouraged to be posted to our Reddit, or Telegram channel.

