Mainnet Progress Update #3

Taylor French
2 min readMay 11, 2018


With a little under three weeks until the Oyster Mainnet launch, the Oyster development team has been extremely diligent in completing all the work necessary to ensure a successful launch. Today’s post will detail the work completed for the week of May 6th — May 11th.

This week, the development team made further efficiency improvements to the polling logic on the web interface as well as implemented and QA’d encryption and decryption on the broker node and web node to ensure the algorithms produced the same outputs for the same input. Additionally, the team implemented a logic change so that the frequency of the broker nodes’ chunk processing task would dynamically adjust based on the broker nodes’ proof-of-work performance.

Further work was completed on the treasure-claiming logic associated with the broker nodes, which is needed for the revenue-generating potential of the Oyster protocol. For example, in order for the web node to earn treasure for a website owner, the web node reports that it finished the proof-of-work for a sector of the data map of an uploaded file. Then, the broker node will query the private tangle to ensure the web node did the proof-of-work within the last epoch (e.g., the current year).

The development team also completed implementing circular treasure hunting flow on the web nodes and continued work on the treasure-claiming logic after a sector has finished uploading. Additionally, the development team has been working on ensuring that a web node does not overuse a device’s resources when performing intensive tasks like proof-of-work or treasure-hunting. Furthermore, the team is working on offloading the work to a background job and throttling CPU usage when necessary.

Finally, the team worked on OysterPearl contract integration with broker nodes to allow method calls to enact the various smart contract functions. The team also worked on unit testing the broker node Ethereum gateway and Oysterby network configuration, adding two new peer nodes to the internal network. Also, the team completed working on updating the web storage interface for the Mainnet release, as well as building the Oyster consent overlays that will be displayed to website visitors when they visit a site using the Oyster protocol.

We will continue to update the community on Mainnet progress every week leading up to the launch date of May 29th. Any questions or comments are encouraged to be posted to our Reddit, or Telegram channel.

