New York City’s Parlors Travel ‘State Lines’ With New EP

Taylor Hodgkins
4 min readJan 23, 2019



If you’re in the market for a new band who play tight indie rock which sounds tailor made for a Saturday afternoon drive with the windows down while you’re on the way to hang out with your best mates, celebrating all that is fine and good in your world, look no further than Parlors!

The New York City quartet released their debut EP in November of 2018, and they’re ready to tell you about the excitement of traveling state lines, and indulge in the power of letting loose and ripping through “riff driven” and “Summer friendly” tunes with your dudes. Who are Parlors, you ask? Read on to discover your new Saturday evening soundtrack.

1. Hi, guys! Your Bandcamp description reads “…Hard-hitting Indie rock that could soundtrack an early Saturday evening…” What are your go-to picks for a Saturday evening soundtrack?

-Hey, great question! Here are 3 of our go-to picks for when the sun goes down on a Saturday:

-Miss You — Rolling Stones

-What Happens When You Turn the Devil Down — The Mystery Lights

-Make it Wit Chu — Queens of the Stone Age

2. Your first single is called “State Lines” and features references to highways, traveling, and being from the city. Do you draw influence from traveling?

-Absolutely. ‘State Lines’ and ‘A Night out of Dallas’ both dance around that theme of being in or out of town for just one night. For whatever reason, the change of scenery traveling provides often sparks a new lyric or even musical idea. But whenever we are cooped up in an apartment writing new material, sometimes the desire to get out of the confines of the city helps to drive the storyline as well.

3. Hailing from NYC, do you have any particular favorite New York City venues you enjoy playing?

We just had an awesome show last week at Coney Island Baby in the East Village which was a blast (albeit pretty sweaty). In terms of our bucket list, we would love to play Baby’s All Right and Mercury Lounge at some point as we’ve all seen some great shows at those venues.

4. Your Instagram features a few behind the scenes shots of you guys in the studio. What is your recording process like?

Typically, we demo songs in our apartment until we feel the parts themselves are the best they can be. From there we’ll head over to Grand Street Recording in Williamsburg to begin tracking. We’ll start with a scratch track and overdub drums, bass guitar, etc. after. Jake Lummus has been an all-star engineer for us; he fosters the perfect environment to be productive while having an appropriate amount of fun.

5. Is there an origin story behind your name? Do you guys spend some time in pool halls? :)

-We had a few attempts at other names that we will leave off the record, but Parlors did come about from being at our local bar shooting pool as we were kicking around ideas. We wanted something pretty sleek that we wouldn’t look back on in a few years and wonder ‘what were we thinking?’ In the interest of full disclosure, none of us would win any money playing at an actual pool hall.

6. According to your interview with Vents, you guys have been busy with plans to head back into the studio already! How will the new material differ (if at all) from “State Lines?”

-Yes! We are pumped to get back in the studio. The new tunes are a bit peppier with more of an emphasis on the vocal melodies versus the brooding, riff-driven sound of the EP. We’re excited as the songs are feeling really fresh to us, and they are a bit more summer-friendly which we think expands our sound a bit.

7. What are your favorite tracks on the EP?

- It’s great to see people connect with ‘State Lines’ so overall that probably is our favorite, but lately we’ve been having a blast playing ‘Glass Bricks’ live and letting loose a bit in that outro.



Taylor Hodgkins

popular culture freelance writer + listener of music. BGKY/Nashville