Coffee, Coffee, COOFFFFEEEE

Taylor(ed) Adulting
1 min readNov 9, 2015


I love coffee. No, I mean I really love coffee. Perhaps more than I love my husband. If I could marry and have children with coffee, I would; but I can’t…so can I at least drink it when I’m pregnant?

From much of the advice you can find online, it is generally advised that drinking coffee is a number one no, no; right up there with cigarettes and wine. How can this be true? One microeconomics professor at the University of Chicago not only argues that you can, but she wrote an entire book about it! (Well, not just about coffee…you get the picture)

The first time I came across Emily Oster’s book, “Expecting Better: Why The Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom Is Wrong — and What You Really Need to Know,” was in a Huffington Post article published in August in 2013. They shared a snippet from Professor Oster’s book, forever changing my life and outlook on pregnancy.

Although, I was excited by the discovery that I could indeed, when the time came, continue to drink coffee; many others were struck by the fact that she said that people who are pregnant can drink alcohol.

Emily Oster, author of EXPECTING BETTER, uses research to explain why it’s ok to drink while you’re pregnant.

One of the salient points that Professor Oster makes in her interviews and book is to evaluate the facts and the research.

Always check with your doctor/midwife/OBGYN and your partner before making any decisions about significant lifestyle changes that impact you and your future family’s health.

Cheers, Taylor



Taylor(ed) Adulting

Adulting: to do grown-up things and hold responsibilities such as, a 9–5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown-ups