How to Run a Marketing Experiment

Here’s the methodology I use — and teach — to measure success.

Taylor Coil
6 min readMar 21, 2020

When we test a new channel, tactic, or project, we must do so within the confines of an experiment.

Why Experiments Matter

When we try something new, we need a methodology for determining success. Did it work could result in vastly different answers if each person is interpreting results based on different factors. Extending a tactic that “worked” relies on consistency in execution and analysis.

Experiments give us a system to figure out whether or not the projects we’re trying are helping us achieve our goals as a company.

The Process

  1. Set a Hypothesis
  2. Determine KPIs
  3. Document Scope and Methodology
  4. Build Buy-In
  5. Test
  6. Analyze
  7. Communicate Performance and Takeaways

Setting a Hypothesis

A hypothesis answers the question, “What’s the job to be done?” Your hypothesis should state what we think will happen if we try a tactic. It should be specific, not vague.



Taylor Coil

Marketing generalist with a focus on content & product marketing.