Do like the Egyptains

Taylor’d Aesthetic
3 min readFeb 12, 2020


Let’s get back to the basics for a moment, shall we? Skin care has definitely come a long way but what foundation have we built on? What was the brick and mortar of this epidemic? The Egyptians were the earliest documented people to use aesthetics in their daily lives roughly six thousand years ago.

Photo by Werner Forman/Universal Images Group/Getty Images

The practice of eternal youth

Even thousands of years ago, we wanted to look half our age. Unfortunately, the ancient Egyptians didn’t have botox and fillers, but they did have other methods. Castor oil, moringa oil and sesame oil were readily available to help preserve their youth. Castor oil has many, many benefits and was most likely the most available to the Egyptians as the seed is native to Africa. Caster oil not only help to retain moisture in the skin but it also helps to cleanse the skin. This oil contains triglycerides that help remove the dirt from the skin. These oils not only have a plethora of antioxidants but they are emollients. The antioxidants fend off free radicals while emollients soften and hydrate the skin (Au revoir wrinkles!)

To cleanse their skin, they used olive oil and clay. Clay extracts the dirt and excess oils from the skin while the olive oil helps prevent the skin to be stripped of its moisture. Clay also contains magnesium which benefits the skin’s overall appearance. Dead sea salt was another method they used to exfoliate and cleanse their skin. This particular salt helps to strengthen skin tissue, eliminates toxins and balances the skin’s natural pH level. Dead sea salt also helps to rehydrate skin and restores skins mineral content.

Bathing in milk was one of their ways to moisturize the skin. Milk contain lactic acid, in which helps to gently exfoliate the skin and retain moisture. Lactic acid aids in collagen stimulation, leading to the reduction of fine lines and deep set wrinkles. Not only does this acid reduce wrinkles but it also helps diminish hyperpigmentation. Milk is known to brighten and even out skin tone. Honey was added to the bath and also made into masks. Honey is an anti-bacterial so it aided in acne care. It’s also great for complexion boosting; honey combined with milk softened skin and creates a moisturized glow.

Do we have to spend hundreds of dollars on skin care? Maybe. Investing into your skin does take time and money but sometimes you can pass on a fifty dollar mask to do like the Egyptains. Thousands of years ago they used what they had and there are so many articles that prove how effective these basic ingredients are. FYI, these ingredients are used in A LOT of the luxury skin care brands too. Sometimes, all you need is a good DIY. All I’m saying is: If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

Disclaimer: This is just an informative piece to help educate.

