Library School Application Statement

Taylor Worsham
4 min readOct 8, 2022


Image by: Wallace Chuck

Author’s note: I used this essay to apply for Emporia State University’s Masters of Library Science program in May 2021. I reviewed many statements to gain inspiration before pursuing this advanced degree and I hope anyone out there thinking about going to library school finds this useful.

Taylor E. Worsham — Statement of Objectives

I would like to pursue my Masters in Library Science at Emporia State University because I believe that libraries are essential community centers at the heart of the towns they serve and that they provide crucial access to information. My belief that libraries have the potential to change lives through that access is something I’ve experienced first hand throughout my life and know to be true. From summer reading programs when I was a kid, to after-school time as a teen, a refuge and my greatest source of exploration in college, and now as a paraprofessional, where I get to witness libraries’ transformational powers on a daily basis. As a marketing and adult programming coordinator for a public library district in a small, rural mountain valley on Colorado’s Western Slope, I take pride in serving my community by sharing information about the services and resources available to them through the library. More than anything, I try to emphasize that the library is a public space, free and open to everyone. It is
one of our last great institutions that safeguards essential freedoms and where a library patron is a citizen, not a consumer.

When I dreamed about becoming a librarian as a young girl, I very naively thought the profession centered around books and reading. I have learned, through working hands-on with the public, in my roles at the circulation desk, planning and hosting programs in two library branches, and by acting as the marketing and advertising coordinator for our many programs and services, that while physical collections remain a central component, digital resources, services, programs and space all aid in libraries’ mission to introduce people to ideas in a safe, welcoming environment. I enjoy helping to bring these services to life through my work, and would like to gain additional insight into broader trends and issues facing libraries elsewhere.

I am drawn towards and motivated to complete an MLS program because while I have found experience to be a useful teacher, I would like to gain the educational and theoretical background offered in a formal curriculum to support my work now and well into the future. Ultimately, I want to use my degree to become an outreach librarian in a public library setting. Emporia’s unique hybrid program suits my desire to continue working in the field, while simultaneously gaining my education. I am excited to invest in the knowledge and connections I’ll gain through a masters program to propel my career in library services and to prepare me for an evolving future. I’ve witnessed libraries changing and innovating my entire life and I look forward to being a part of that change in the future, as needs and challenges continue to shape how libraries serve the public. Libraries are in a unique position to provide foundational literacy skills necessary for modern life.

One way I’ve worked on this was through outreach to citizens at the local senior center, where I facilitated technology education. Teaching seminars on subjects and problems these people were experiencing,
off-site outside of the library, was a great way to reach a new audience and address their needs, while also briefly sharing how the library could help them in the future. This was one of the most rewarding experiences of my career so far and has driven my interest in outreach and how I can form partnerships with local organizations to better serve our communities needs, and their desires.

With our evolving media and technological landscape, I would like to prepare myself through a masters program to be better equipped to confront technologic challenges, and have the ability to share
my knowledge with others. Public libraries stand at the intersection of the digital divide in our society and are crucial to bridging them through equitable access to information. I am interested in serving populations that are traditionally underserved or are not currently served by the library to improve their access.

I know that an MLS program will build upon my existing skill set and experience and give me new tools, such as a deeper understanding into media literacy, information organization, management and leadership, and advocacy, which are my main interests. I’d also like the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of reference, reader’s advisory, and collection development. By completing an accredited masters program at Emporia State University, I will achieve my goal of earning the title of librarian, and
secure my role as a professional in this field by gaining a wide range of skills that I will not only be able to use right away, but continue to pass onto my community for many years to come.

Taylor Worsham is from Gunnison, Colorado and is currently pursuing her MLS from Emporia State University’s distance program. She currently works as an adult services coordinator for Gunnison County Libraries focusing on public relations, programming, collection development, and circulation. Outside of work and school, Taylor enjoys spending as much time outside as possible, traveling, photography, and reading contemporary fiction.



Taylor Worsham

Outreach librarian & outdoor enthusiast from CA's Central Coast. I love to connect and explore with others and the natural world. Views/opinions are my own.