Bernie Sanders is Taking on Goliath & Starting to Win

Taylor Gipple
Our Caucus
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2016

Bernie Sanders isn’t just trying to rock the boat. He’s trying to flip the boat, expose all of the leaks & rotting wood, while professing we need a boat that works for the American middle class (all while floating next to a yacht with people hoping he’ll sink).

Just 9 months ago, most people didn’t know who Bernie Sanders was, much less believed he had a chance at becoming the Democratic nominee, and even less imagined he could become president. In May, the polls had him losing by around 55+ points. However today, he’s either tied or leading in New Hampshire and Iowa, while polling within single digits nationally. Sanders is starting to swing his sling and is gaining more momentum every day.

He’s taking on the big banks, big money in politics, big profits in student debt, a big healthcare industry, big immigration reform, and big political candidates. His thinking is huge. But so are the ideas of the American people. Isn’t the typical American Dream a rather large idea in itself?

If Sanders wants to make these huge ideas a reality, he has to have even bigger support from the American people. And the crowds have been amassing. You might not have seen very much of it on TV or in the newspapers, but what has been brought to light in the last couple weeks is just the beginning of what will be revealed as a massive, outspoken, passionate following of supporters.

We’ll see evidence of this in above-average voter turnouts in the caucuses, primaries, and general election. But we’ll also see people more involved in politics after the elections. The whole premise of Sanders’ campaign is that he cannot bring these changes alone. No single president can make these changes alone. He needs the American people just as much as they need him. He’ll lead the American people just as much as they lead him.

People often say Sanders supporters are people who just want free stuff, but the reality is Sanders supporters are going to have to be the people who do the most work in order for these changes to happen. Don’t be disillusioned, these changes won’t happen overnight if you vote for Sanders, they will take lots and lots of work from the American people demanding to their representatives on what they want accomplished. If not, it will just be another empty-promised Obama administration. But people understand this and are saying that’s what they want. The same people who never cared to vote before are going to Sanders rallies and planning on voting for the first time. If he can get these disenfranchised voters to the voting booth, he can get the American people to demand on Congress’ doorstep. So mark my words, when Sanders takes down Goliath, the rock will be the American people’s support.



Taylor Gipple
Our Caucus

Des Moines native. Contributor: Dialogue & Discourse, Des Moines Register: Our Caucus, HuffPost. |