Laravel is Hiring Again

Taylor Otwell
1 min readMar 9, 2018


Laravel is hiring again. I hired Mohamed, Laravel’s first employee, over a year ago. Mohamed has done a fantastic job improving many aspects of the Laravel ecosystem. However, I think Laravel could benefit from a third employee.

While I focus on general ecosystem direction and core framework features, Mohamed will primarily focus on development and maintenance on Laravel’s commercial offerings. So, I believe Laravel could benefit from someone dedicated to assisting with the open-source portion of the ecosystem.

Title: Open Source & Community Liaison

Responsibilities: Manage GitHub issues across all of Laravel’s open-source repositories, as well as the “laravel/ideas” repository. Issue reports will need to be either closed, triaged as something that requires my attention, or fixed.

Ideally, you will be able to fix general bugs in the framework that are reported through GitHub, so a thorough knowledge of Laravel is preferred. For larger issues that arise, bug fixing will be a team effort between you, Mohamed, and myself.

In addition to bug fixing and issue management, you will sometimes experiment with prototyping new features for the framework.

Finally, you are encouraged to stick around various Laravel community channels such as the Laracasts forums, LaraChat Slack, and This will help us identify common problems Laravel developers are having and improve the overall developer experience of the framework.

How To Apply: To apply, email your resume and a cover letter to

Remote developers from around the world are encouraged to apply!

